The Mikaelson Ball

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Caroline looked once more into the mirror, and smiled at how she looked. Her mom had fixed her hair in a braided, twist bun. She had two strands hanging down both sides of her face. Her curly hair was beautiful. She smiled as she put on her lip gloss.

"Perfect" She said with a small laugh as she walked out the door and climbed in her car. She took a deep breath and envisioned her prince one more time before starting her car and heading towards the Mikaelson manor.

She parked her car behind a black Tahoe. Wrapping her shawl around her shoulders, she stepped out of her car.

"Okay, Caroline, you can do this. Now remember don't freak out, keep your nerves in check, and don't be rude." She whispered to herself as she walked to the manor. She gave her shawl to the man at the door, and slowly walked into the room.

She could feel his eyes on her the moment she stepped in the room. She turned and saw him. Her breath caught at the sight of him in his tuxedo. All of her memories paled in comparison to the gorgeous man walking towards her. She swallowed and inhaled deeply before walking towards him.

She stopped when he was right in front of him. He smiled and she could feel her knees getting weak. Get a grip, Caroline. She thought and smiled back.

"Good evening" He said his voice more deep and sensual than she remembered.

She swallowed again and opened her mouth. "Good evening, Klaus" She replied, giving a small curtsy.

Klaus smiled at her effort. "Would you care for a drink, love?" He offered his arm to her.

She smiled in return and wrapped her arm around his. She felt shivers run down her spine at the contact as he led her to bar.

"What would you like, love?" Klaus asked as he gestured to the barkeep.

Caroline sighed. "Bourbon" She replied with a smile.

The barkeep gave her a small glass of bourbon and gave her a smile. She smiled and nodded at him. She looked at Klaus who was eyeing the barkeep. She let out a chuckle as she swallowed the contents of the glass. She set the glass down on the counter and turned to Klaus.

"I believe you wanted a dance, Nik." Caroline said, but then gasped and covered her mouth at what she called him.

Klaus smiled at her gesture and touched the hand covering her mouth. "What did you call me, love?" He whispered so low that only she could hear.

She blushed and looked up at him. "Nik, I called you Nik."

Klaus felt his heart stop at the way she said his name. Only his family called him that, particularly Rebekah and his mother. Now hearing his name coming from the lips of this young vampire was perfect.

"I am so sorry. I shouldn't have called you that." She began, her nerves beginning to falter.

Klaus held up his hand to stop her. "My dear, you have my permission to call whatever you want to."

Caroline blushed.

"Shall we?" Klaus asked as he gestured to the dance floor.

Caroline nodded.

They walked onto the dance floor, and took their positions. Caroline felt her knees getting stronger as she looked into his eyes. She saw a light in them, his humanity. She knew he had it. That was what the voice meant by she was right for him. She was beginning to see a side of Klaus; her friends never got the chance to see. She was seeing his goodness.

The dance began and she moved with the rest of the girls as Klaus moved with the men. She was finally in his arms again and she glanced over to him looking at her. She blushed as she smiled under his gaze. He began to make small talk to her, and Caroline remembered his topics of conversation and how she shot him down.

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