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Caroline fell to the ground and cried out in pain. Klaus rushed to her side, knelt down and wrapped his arms around her.

"Love, what's wrong?" He asked frantically, looking for any sign of an injury.

Caroline looked into his eyes. Hers filled with pain.

"My mother, she's in pain, so much pain." She whispered. "I don't know how, but I can feel her, Nik. Tyler has hurt her." She cried, falling into his arms.

Klaus felt anger rise up in his heart. That mongrel dared to harm Caroline's mother.

"He's going to pay, painfully." He stated, through clenched teeth.

Caroline looked deep into his eyes, and knew he was right. The Tyler she knew would never do this. He had to be stopped.

"What time is it?" Caroline asked, still looking at Klaus.

Bonnie stepped forward. "It's four o'clock."

Caroline attempted to stand up, but her legs felt broken. She staggered, and Klaus caught her. He lifted her up and carried her to the couch in the sitting room.

"Nik, I can't walk. Something's wrong." She replied, panic looming in her voice.

Klaus looked at her legs, and felt them. Caroline screamed in agony, as Klaus felt her legs from her ankle to her knees.

"Your legs are broken, Caroline." He replied, worriedly.

"How could this be?" Elijah asked, entering the room, with Elena falling in behind him.

She rushed to Caroline's side, and held her friend's hand.

Bonnie thought for a second. "Tyler must have broken Liz's legs."

"How do you know that?" Elena asked.

Bonnie walked towards her friends. "I found a passage in my grimoire a couple of weeks ago, about a son who was turned into a vampire. He was very close to his mother, and not long after she was in an accident which left her paralyzed. He wanted to cure her, so he gave her some of his blood to cure her, but it didn't work."

"Skip the none useful stuff please, Bonnie." Kol stated, rolling his eyes.

Bonnie sent him a glare before continuing. "He went to a witch. She told him that he could take his mother's pain as his own, only if his love was strong enough. Caroline, since you turned, you told me that you and Liz are closer than ever."

Caroline nodded.

"You must have taken her pain. She will be fine, as long as she remains alive. Every pain Tyler inflicts on her, you will feel, Caroline."

Caroline looked at Klaus and sighed. "I can't go meet Tyler with my legs broken." She replied, sadly.

Klaus nodded and motioned for Elena to move. She gave him a questioning look, but then noticed him rolling up his sleeve. She realized what he was going to do. She stood up and went to Elijah's side.

Finn and Sage walked in, followed by Rebekah and Matt, and motioned to what was happening. Elijah whispered what happened, and then turned back to Klaus and Caroline.

Klaus gently lifted Caroline in his arms, and held out his bare wrist. She looked at him apologetically. She didn't want to do this, but knew there was no other way to save her mother. Klaus nodded encouragingly.

Caroline felt her fangs coming down her and her eyes darkened as she gently grabbed his wrist. She bit down and closed her eyes at the taste of his blood pouring in her mouth. She felt a moan at how delicious it tasted, but she controlled it when she remembered they were in front of his family. She felt her legs begin to heal, and when she felt her bones were completely healed, she pulled back. She looked back up at Klaus and smiled with love pouring out of her eyes.

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