Family Moments II, Worry, and Battle

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"I shouldn't have let her go alone." Klaus replied, pacing in the garden. He didn't want to be inside, because it was too crowded. He needed fresh air and an open space. Unfortunately Kol had the similar idea, so there they were two brothers pacing back and forth in the garden worrying about their loves.

"We couldn't have stopped them if we tried, brother." Kol stated, as he stepped around Klaus.

"I hate this waiting. I'm not a patient man, especially when it comes to her."

Kol stopped pacing and turned to his brother. "I would say you are very patient, brother. You and Caroline have been, what do they say now days, an item for months, almost a year, and you two haven't even had sex yet."

Klaus stopped and turned to Kol, with murder in his eyes. Kol smiled. "She wanted to wait, and I really don't think this is any of your business."

Kol's smile faded. "Actually it is part of my business. I was the one who convinced Bonnie to come back in time and correct the mistakes."

Klaus stepped forward, and was barely an inch from away from Kol. "What?" He asked.

Kol nodded. "In the different future, or however you want to put it, you died, brother. I couldn't stand it. That's how I entered Bonnie's life." He paused, as he walked over to the bench and sat down. Klaus remained standing watching and listening.

"I was going to kill her, Klaus." He replied, regrettably. "The worst part was she was going to let me; I don't know why I stopped, but something I saw in her made me stop. I spent the next few months getting to know her, and I found out Caroline left Mystic Falls because you were gone. Bonnie said, Caroline was going to save you, but she was too late." Kol added, looking up at his brother, who was still as stone.

"Bonnie was going through one of her grimoires one day and found a passage where time could be reversed if the intention is pure or something like that. I never really understood witch lingo." He replied with a sad laugh.

"Anyway, I wanted to come back to save this family, and Bonnie wanted the same thing. That was when I thought about you. I had Bonnie, and Finn had Sage. I knew that left you, dear brother. I didn't want you to be alone, and I noticed how you always seemed to light up when Caroline was around, so I asked Bonnie to include Caroline."

Klaus moved to sit next to Kol. He didn't know what to say. His brother, the craziest one of the bunch, was the one who wanted to save him. Out of all of his siblings, Rebekah and Elijah seemed the most likely, but not Kol. He realized then, that Kol had changed. He changed for the better, all because of a certain little witch. Klaus smiled, and placed his hand on Kol's shoulder.

"Thank you, brother." He whispered.

Kol looked at him in surprise. "For what"

"For saving me"

Kol smiled and nodded.

No other words were spoken between them, because they didn't have to. In that moment, their bond grew stronger and tighter, and they knew nothing between them would ever be the same.

~Rebekah's room~

Stefan dialed the number again, and huffed when it went back to voicemail.

"Damn voicemail, where are you Damon?"

Rebekah entered her room with a glass of blood in her hand, and sighed when she saw Stefan tensed up.

"Stefan, what's the matter?"

Stefan turned to Rebekah and gave a sad smile before it was replaced with a frown. "I've been trying to reach Damon for the past two days, and I can't get him. He never goes a day without talking to me. I'm worried."

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