Death and Old Love

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Caroline paced back and forth down the hall. Klaus watched as his love became unnerved by the minute. He watched as she began to bite her fingernails, and began pacing faster.

Klaus sighed, as he approached her.

"Caroline, love, you need to slow down." He whispered as he grabbed her arms.

Caroline stopped and looked up at him with tears brimming in her eyes.

"I can't, Nik. Not when Bonnie is dying, and Matt is dying to save her." Caroline replied, tearfully, shaking her head.

Klaus pulled her into his embrace, and held her as she cried.


Rebekah wiped her eyes as she went to answer the door. As she opened it, she looked into the brooding eyes of Stefan Salvatore.

"What are you doing here, Stefan?" Rebekah asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Caroline called me and told me about Matt. I came to see if you need anything."

"Not from you, Stefan." Rebekah replied, as she stood straight and reached for the door.

"Wait, Rebekah," Stefan replied as he held up his hand.

Rebekah stopped and glared at him. "What, Stefan, you've already told me why you're here, but that can't be the truth can it. You only want to see your precious Elena. Well I've got news for you, she is preoccupied." She stated, hatefully.

"I know about her and Elijah, Rebekah. I've accepted her decision." He paused, trying to step forward, but the boundary kept him from doing so. "I came here for you."

Rebekah looked up at him, and sighed. She closed her eyes, and stepped outside.

"Will you join me on the steps, Stefan?" Rebekah whispered.

She didn't know what she was doing. All she knew was she needed to be held.

She sat down and waited for him to join her. He sat down next to her, but maintained his distance.

"Do you really love him?" He asked, lowering his head and looked at his hands on his knees.

Rebekah looked at him, and saw a broken man. His words were words of a heartbroken man.

"I didn't love him like I loved you, Stefan." Rebekah whispered.

Stefan glanced at her.

"You're a hard man to get over, Stefan." She replied.

"From what Caroline has told me, you and Matt were, are, very close, and apparently I was easy to get over."

Rebekah turned to look at him. "Don't pull that on me, Stefan. I spent over a hundred years in a box, dreaming about you. I awake and you have moved on."

"I was forced to forget about you, but I should tell you I have never felt whole again. When you came back into my life I was whole. I didn't know what I was missing until you. I'm sorry for everything, Rebekah." He answered, softly with a hint of sympathy.

"I'm sorry too, Stefan. When I realized you had moved on, I went to Matt, and now he's going to die. I have the worst luck with men, don't I. You leave me, and Matt dies." Rebekah cried, dropping her head in her hands.

Stefan moved closer to her, and wrapped his arm around her to pull her close.

Rebekah leaned onto his shoulder and gently cried.

Stefan's heart broke. He had wanted another chance with Rebekah, to make things right. He had thought this could've been his second or third chance, but now he wasn't sure. How could he tell her that he hoped Matt would remain dead? Even now he tried to shake off that feeling. Matt was a good friend to him and Elena, but more importantly he was Rebekah's love. How he dreamed of Rebekah from the 20s. She was a vision, and he never forgot her after the compulsion was taken off. He had tried to move on with Elena because she looked like Katherine, but he still felt empty. He loved Elena, and he would always love Elena, but Rebekah loved him for everything he was and had accepted him. She was his true love, but Matt was hers. His undead heart felt whole with her, and yet now he yearned for her to love him like before.

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