Returning, Remembering, and Light

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Caroline struggled in the darkness. She screamed at the invisible binds holding her tightly. She snarled and yelled into the darkness, eyes darkening in anger.

"Whoever you are, this is not going to work. Let me go." She screamed struggling against the hold.

"I believe it is going to work, Caroline." A woman's voice drifted in the darkness.

Caroline's eyes searched the darkness. "Who are you? Show yourself." She shouted, harshly.

A light appeared in the darkness, but with no point of origin. In the center of the light was a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in jeans and a dress top, similar to the one Caroline wore days before. Caroline's eyes widened as she realized who the woman was.

"No, it can't be." She whispered, as the woman stepped towards her. "You're me."

The woman smiled and nodded. "It can be, Caroline. I'm the part Mikael tried to take away." She stated with a hint of sincerity.

Caroline shook her head. "No, Mikael saved me. Klaus is evil." She stated, repeating the words she had spoken to Klaus moments before.

"No, Caroline, Mikael is evil. He's making you kill the one person in the whole world who can understand you. Klaus is the one who saved you." Light Caroline replied, calmly with an authoritative tone.

Caroline shook her head furiously, and continued to struggle against the bonds. "No, Klaus is evil. I belong to Mikael." She repeated.

Light Caroline lowered her head, and turned to the light still emanating in the center of the darkness. "Look, Caroline," She stated, but Caroline refused to look. Instead she turned her head away. Light Caroline grasped her face and turned it to the light. "Watch, Caroline." She demanded softly.

Caroline's eyes widened as images began to display in the light.

The first was a dance, a ball. She was wearing a blue princess dress. She entered the room and met Klaus, who replied a good evening, but she lowered her head and stated she needed a drink. The evening went on and she danced in his arms, and then stood outside looking a beautiful horse, only to have him come up and begin to talk to her. The image disappeared to a night at a bar. Her shooting him down, only to have him follow her outside, and attempt to get close to her. It was all a distraction.

The image disappeared to the pain and hurt look on his face as she betrayed him, then to a 20s themed danced, when, once again, he held her in his arms for a dance. He told her small town life, and small town boy won't be good enough for her. Maybe in a year, or a century she would turn up at his door, and he would show her what the world has to offer. She scoffed him.

The image next was him saving her the night of the bite, her first introduction of him, personally. In that moment, she felt drawn to him. She didn't know why. It was reason for the ball, the bar night, the 20s dance. She was drawn to know him.

Caroline closed her eyes, at the feeling of pain at the next image. He saved her once again, this time from a hunter. She wanted to do so much more. He was like gravity. She was being pulled towards him, but instead of inching closer, she only whispered two words, 'thank you.'

Caroline felt tears fall down her face. She tried to fight against them, but she couldn't. Something was releasing them. She looked at Light Caroline, and narrowed her eyes.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She demanded through her tears.

"Because you seem to have forgotten, Mikael, in his sick and twisted way, invaded your soul, and destroyed the one thing that made you unique. You have a unique quality, Caroline. You see the good and decency in others." She paused, with a sad smile. "You saw Klaus in a way, which no one else did. You saw the man."

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