Paintings, Sketches, and Insecurities

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After Finn and Sage left, Caroline found herself walking into Klaus' painting room. The others had been preoccupied in the living room, discussing the plan for tonight. Bonnie had told Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah of the plot to kill Finn. Caroline had stayed and listened as Rebekah volunteered to rip the Salvatore's to pieces, but, thanks to Elena, the plan was mute. Only one thing was clear, they had to protect Finn tonight. Bonnie had informed the Mikaelson's of the time and place, and Elena told them of how they would ambush Finn in an alley.

Caroline realized that she was not really needed for the planning so she quietly excused herself, and went to the one place she knew no one would bother her. She stood in front of the painting which she had seen the night of the ball, and just gazed at it. She lowered her gaze to the drawings on the table and smiled at the beauty of them. She was so wrapped up in the drawings she did not hear someone entering the room.

Klaus had watched Caroline leave while they were planning, and had decided to follow her. He smiled as she entered his painting room, and pleasantly watched as her beautiful face became wrapped up in his work. He entered quietly, and came to stand by her side.

"So this is where you snuck off to." He replied, and chuckled as Caroline jumped. Despite her having no heartbeat, Caroline's hand went straight to her heart.

"Klaus, you could've scared me to death." Caroline answered with a glare.

"You're a vampire, love. You're already dead." Klaus said with a light in his eyes, that Caroline did not miss.

"Still, you shouldn't sneak up on people." Caroline stated, turning back to the drawings.

"I'm sorry, love." Klaus returned with a chuckle.

Caroline sent him a teasing glare, and then smiled.

"Why did you leave and come in here?"

Caroline gave a small sigh. "I needed to get away from the planning. I needed a moment to myself, and this was the only room that seemed to offer me a little peace." She answered with a small shrug of her shoulders.

Klaus smiled. Never had anyone found his paintings or drawings peaceful. Of course, he rarely showed anyone his work.

Caroline turned back to him. "Why were you following me?"

"I'm supposed to protect you, Caroline. I can't have you going off by yourself."

"I can take care of myself, Klaus." Caroline replied defiantly. She was just teasing him, because deep down she knew she needed his protection.

"I know you can, love, but what with my mother out there planning, God only knows what, I need to know exactly where you are."

Caroline crossed her arms, and gave him a glare. "I don't need protection all of the time, Klaus."

Klaus stepped forward, closing the space between them, and watched as Caroline's eyes became kinder.

"Why do you put up such a front, Caroline?" Klaus whispered, eyeing her carefully.

Caroline felt a shiver when he said her name, like the night at the bar.

"Because I don't want people to know the truth about me" She countered.

"What truth would that be?"

"I don't want them to know that I'm scared."

Klaus pulled back a little and looked at her with compassion. Caroline recognized that look. It was the same one he gave her when he saved her from Alaric.

"Everyone is scared, Caroline." Klaus whispered.

"I doubt you're scared, Klaus. You're invincible, nothing can harm you."

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