Battle and Life Decisions

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The wolves began to encircle the two girls, and Caroline began to wish for Nik to be there, but Matt's voice echoed in her ears. Only she and Bonnie could fight in this battle and only they can defeat Esther.

Bonnie closed her eyes, and drawing strength from Caroline and her love she began to chant. Caroline closed her eyes, and began to focus all her strength to Bonnie.

The chanting seemed to work, because the wolves began to howl in pain. Pretty soon they were in so much pain they couldn't stand being in their wolf form and transformed back to their human state.

Now there were five hybrids surrounding them, and Bonnie stopped her chant. She looked at the hybrids with little fear, until one began to charge towards her and Caroline.

Caroline jumped in front of Bonnie, and blocked the attack. She wasn't as strong as the hybrid, but her need to protect her family gave her the strength. She threw the hybrid towards a tree, where it broke the tree in half. He laid there in pain, and Caroline felt another one come up behind her and grasp her tightly. Caroline struggled to break free, and found it extremely difficult to move. She turned her head and watched as Bonnie used her powers to throw the men away from her. Bonnie was holding her own, until she was taken by surprise by her mother.

Abby lifted her daughter in the air, and pushed her against the tree. Caroline screamed as she watched her friend being confined by her mother and then two hybrids surrounding her.

Caroline brought her head back and smashed it against the hybrid's head. There was loud crack, and the hybrid's hold loosened. Caroline took her moment and pushed out of the hybrid's grasp. When the hybrid lost his balance, Caroline ran to her friend only to be caught again by another hybrid.

Esther approached Bonnie and smiled as she turned to Caroline.

"I would have preferred to kill the object of my son's affection first, but you will have to do. After all you are the one who performed the spell that screwed up my plans time and time again."

"If you had been a true mother, we wouldn't have done this." Bonnie stated.

Esther frowned. "I am a true mother. I gave my children eternity, and then I wanted to end their suffering. A mother looks out for her children, and cares for them."

"You're not a true mother." Caroline yelled, still struggling with the hybrid. "A true mother would love her children no matter what."

Esther shrugged. "It doesn't matter now. Tonight my plan is going to be complete. My children will be punished for what they have done, and you will die."

Abby listened to her daughter and Caroline talk about mothers and her heart broke at the words. She realized she was not being a mother. She was being a monster. She was destroying her daughter's life, a life where her daughter was happy and had a family. Vampires or not, her daughter had a family. It was everything she ever wanted for her daughter.

Esther stepped closer to Bonnie and smirked. With a nod to the nearest hybrid, she watched as the hybrid reached around and grabbed Bonnie's head and snapped her neck.

Caroline screamed as her friend's limp body fell to the ground.

Abby watched in horror as her daughter died in front of her. Her pride and joy was now dead. Tears fell down her face, as she took in the sight. Her daughter was dead and she was never coming back.

Caroline wrestled with the hybrid as Esther approached her.

"How dare you kill my friend?" Caroline snapped.

"You'll be joining her soon my dear." Esther replied.

Caroline cried out and glanced again at her limp friend's body.

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