Saving the Originals

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Somewhere in the forest of Mystic Falls, a witch was beginning a spell, and began to feel something was completely wrong. She watched as her son eyed her, and she turned away.

"The spell is not working." Esther replied.

Finn looked at his mother and began to understand why.

"The spell should be working. I watched as they took a sip from the blood champagne." She replied trying to figure out what had happened.

Finn began to back away from his mother and looked into the forest.

"Someone is coming, mother."

Esther turned to see Elijah, Kol, Niklaus, Bonnie, and Caroline walking towards her and Finn.

After Kol and Bonnie told Elijah what was happening, Elijah went in search for Niklaus. Bonnie had told him where he and Caroline were, so it was pretty easy to find them.

Elijah had explained to Klaus their mother's plan, and Klaus wanted Caroline to go home, and told her this was something he and his brothers had to handle.

Caroline, being Caroline, refused to leave him. Klaus had given in, not understanding her devotion when she was resistant to him at the beginning, it was something he would have to ask about later, and together with Elijah, Kol, and Bonnie, they had set out to stop Esther.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Klaus asked stepping forward.

"I have no choice, Niklaus. I have spent a thousand years thinking about what I have done. I turned you into monsters, and now I intend to rid the world of my mistake. You have proved to me that you have no humanity left in you, and I can't bear the thought of letting you live and wreak havoc on the world. I'm sorry, but this is my only choice." Esther replied, tearfully. She looked at her sons and then noticed the young women with them.

"I remember you." She replied to Caroline, stepping forward.

Klaus turned to Caroline and stepped in front of her, protectively.

"You were at the ball last night were you not?" Esther asked.

Caroline nodded, gripping Klaus' arm.

"You care for my son, don't you?"

Caroline looked at Klaus, who was staring at his mother. "I do."

"You think you can change him from what he is?"

Caroline, getting bolder with each statement, lifted her head higher. "I do."

"You are wasting your time, my dear. Niklaus will never change. I have watched him for a thousand years, and he never changed. He terrorizes, threatens. He daggered his own flesh and blood for centuries, and ripped my own heart from my chest. He will kill you too when he has finished with you." Esther stated.

Caroline let go of Klaus' arm and stepped around him. Klaus tried to grab her arm, but Bonnie stopped him. He looked at her and she shook her head.

"You think you know your son. You don't. Yes he daggered his family, but that is because he didn't want to be alone. It was all because his father hunted him down for centuries. His father didn't love him, not like a father should, and did you ever stand up and defend Klaus when Mikael would mistreat him? He only wants to be loved. You never gave him that. So how can you stand there and say he has never changed when you never gave him a chance. You call yourself his mother, but you are just the woman who gave him life and then took it away. When I was turned into a vampire, I thought my mother was going to hate me for becoming the thing she hated the most, but instead she learned to accept me and love me for who I am not what I am. You never gave Klaus a chance, not even to the rest of your children." Caroline ranted at Esther.

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