Poisoned and Betrayal

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Bonnie walked out into the garden. She felt weak, but didn't tell anyone. The spell used to counter her mother's was powerful, and it took almost every ounce of her powers just to perform it. She felt tears fall down her face at the thought of her friend. Tyler was a good friend, but he had changed. He hadn't been the same Tyler that she had grown up with; he had been a vile, angry sore, destined to kill the Originals, her family.

She gripped the back of a bench in the garden to gain her footing. Everything was fading around her. She looked up to see Kol coming outside, and smiled.

Kol approached, but faintly heard her heartbeat. Panicking he rushed to her, only to have her fall into his arms.

"I'm sorry Kol. I tried to hold on, but..." She trailed off her voiced getting weaker.

Kol shook his head. "Don't try to talk, Bonnie lass." He was crying; he knew if he didn't act soon, he was going to lose her.

Before he raised his arm to bite down, he noticed an amulet around her neck. He reached down, and realized it was the amulet Lily gave Bonnie. He gripped the amulet, and closed his eyes. He had to reach her. She was his only hope of saving Bonnie.

"Kol," Bonnie whispered, fighting the darkness threatening to engulf her.

Kol looked down at her and noticed her eyes filling with tears.

Kol picked Bonnie up and carried her quickly into the house.

Elena noticed Kol carrying her nearly unconscious friend in the house, and panicked.

"What happened?" She asked, cautiously approaching.

"The spell was too much of a strain for her." Kol whispered as he carried her to their room.

Elijah bowed his head, and looked over to Rebekah, who had gasped and leaned into Matt. She looked over to Elijah.

"This can't happen again, Elijah. He can't lose another one." She whispered.

Elena looked at him questionably, as he nodded to his sister.

Caroline and Klaus, followed by Finn and Sage, entered the room and noticed the distraught faces.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked, gripping Klaus' arm.

"Bonnie collapsed." Elena whispered.

Caroline gasped and looked at Klaus, before charging up to Bonnie's room.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared in the living room, and they all took a step back.

Lily appeared with a sad face as she looked around the room.

"Where is she?" Lily replied.

Elijah motioned to Kol's room, and Lily nodded as she walked to the room. No one asked questions, they only followed her.

Lily entered the room and found Bonnie lying on the bed with Caroline on one side and Kol sitting next to her, trying to keep her from falling asleep.

"You didn't give her your blood did you?" Lily asked, as she approached.

Kol shook his head. "I was going to before I noticed her necklace."

Lily nodded. "It is a good thing, you didn't. It would have made her worse." She whispered as she stood behind Kol.

Kol stood up to face her. "What do you mean? She would have been healed."

Lily shook her head. "She has been poisoned. Your blood would have only worsened her condition."

"What do you mean poisoned?" Caroline asked, holding her friend's hand.

Lily looked at Bonnie sadly. "Her mother cast a spell on her to weaken her powers. It was done shortly after you defeated the hunter. Esther has not learned her lesson, I'm afraid."

"Is there anything we can do?" Elena asked stepping closer to the bed.

Lily's eyes narrowed at her. "Why would you care to help your friend? You are the one who assisted her mother in destroying her."

Everyone looked at Elena in shock and anger. Elena backed away. "I did not. I haven't even seen Bonnie's mother in years. Why would I possibly help her in killing one of my best friends, not to mention a member of this family?"

Lily smiled as she stepped toward Elena. "I'm sorry to assume it was you, Elena, but in order for the spell to work it had to require a human's help. Esther would never sacrifice herself for the spell. It had to be someone close to the victim."

"What kind of spell is this?" Rebekah asked, stepping forward.

"It's a rare spell. Only a few witches in the world can conjure it." She paused and sighed. "It is a death spell."

"A death spell" Rebekah asked, looking at her distraught brother, who had gone back to his beloved.

"It sends a poison through the body, starting with the heart, and then continuing through the body."

"Why would it require another human?" Elijah asked.

Lily closed her eyes. "The human, who was bonded with the hunter, is used to create the poison."

"We knew there had to be a human element, but we assumed it was Elena because of last time." Caroline interjected.

Lily nodded. "That's why I questioned her. I know now that it was another human. When Bonnie helped you contain the hunter in order to kill him, she was weak. Esther used this to her advantage. She used the blood of that human to poison Bonnie. Only that same blood will cure Bonnie, and since it is not Elena, I'm at a loss."

Suddenly Matt stepped forward, with his head bowed. Rebekah watched in horror as he went to Lily.

"It was mine." He whispered.

Everyone gasped. Klaus wrapped his arms around Rebekah as she started to cry.

"Why, Matt, why would you do this?" Rebekah sobbed, and struggled against her brother's tight grip.

Matt kept his head down as he spoke. "Esther approached me a few months ago, and asked me to help her destroy you. At the time, I hated all of you. I wanted you gone, and my friends' lives back. I didn't know I was going to end up in love with Rebekah. I'm sorry. If I had known that you all would become my family, I never would have given her my blood. I'm sorry."

Rebekah sobbed as her heart broke into a thousand pieces.

Lily glared at Matt, but it had softened as he spoke. She touched his shoulder.

"The only way to cure Bonnie is to completely drain your blood, Matt. I'm sorry, but in order for Bonnie to live, you have to die. You can, however, drink from Rebekah or another, and when you die you can come back as a vampire, or I can try to revive you from death. It is your choice, Matt."

Matt looked at Rebekah, who had turned into Klaus' arms away from his eyes. He looked at Elena, who had tears streaking her face. He looked at Caroline, who closed her eyes and shook her head. He, finally, turned to Kol and Bonnie. He watched as Kol stroked Bonnie's hair, and Bonnie smile at Kol with love in her eyes.

He closed his eyes, his mind and his heart decided.

"Do it, save Bonnie. If you can't bring me back, at least save her, Kol needs her and so does the rest of the family. It'll be my way of saving my family."

Lily nodded, and went to Bonnie's side. Matt turned to Rebekah again.

He nodded to Klaus, who gave a slight nod.

"Becks," He whispered. Rebekah looked at him, tears falling down her face. "I just want you to know, that I love you, and I'm sorry for everything. If I don't make it, I want you to be happy again. Don't shut yourself off to world. You deserve to be happy." He added with a sad smile.

Rebekah nodded, but couldn't find the words to say back to him.

Matt walked over to Lily, who was preparing the spell.

Matt closed his eyes, as Lily grabbed his arm, and slit his wrist, and then slit his other wrist. She held the wrists over a fire, and began the incantation.

The family began to leave the room, because the odor of Matt's blood was becoming too much. All except for Kol, who never left Bonnie's side. The smell didn't bother him, all he cared about was his Bonnie lass, who was getting weaker by the second.

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