Confrontations and a Broken Picture

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Tyler walked through the woods. He stopped at the cellar and looked around. Surely she got his message. He sent it to her last night. Something must have happened. Panic ran through him and he ran through the woods at vamp speed, but stopped when a woman stepped in front of him. She was an elderly woman about the same age of his mom, and she was radiating with authority.

"You must be Tyler." She replied with a smile.

Tyler eyed her cautiously. "Who wants to know?"

"Let's just say, a concerned spectator. I have news about your alleged girlfriend."

"You know Caroline?" Tyler asked worriedly, stepping forward.

The woman nodded. "She has been a busy little girl these past few days. She has been keeping company with a rather questionable person of late."

Tyler felt rage building up inside of him. "Who?" He asked, more demanded.

The woman smiled. "Niklaus Mikaelson"

Tyler felt anger and jealousy inside of him, and he knew he couldn't hold it inside much longer.

The woman smiled in satisfaction. Her plan was working. Now all she had to do was finish it. "If my intel is correct, dear Tyler, she has been spending quiet a lot of her time with the hybrid. She is even, shall we say, falling for him."

Tyler couldn't hold onto his nerve much longer. "You're lying. She wouldn't be caught dead with him." He struggled to get out.

The woman smiled broader. "Why don't you see for yourself? Go to her and ask her, see what she says. If she has a hard time telling you the truth, you will know."

Tyler gaged her carefully. "What do you get out of this?"

The woman shrugged. "I only want what you want, Caroline away from Klaus. If you find that I'm telling you the truth, come back to me. I will help you get her away from him, forever."

Tyler was hesitant about agreeing to work with a stranger. He stepped closer to her. "Only if you tell me your name."

The woman smiled. "My name is Esther, Esther Mikaelson."

Tyler stood straight. What have I gotten myself into?

~Salvatore Mansion~

Klaus walked up to the door and knocked. He waited until he heard cursing inside the house. He smiled as the door opened and Damon was on the other side.

"What do you want, Klaus?" Damon asked, sternly, leaning against the door.

"I came to give you fair warning, Damon."

"Really, and what did I do to deserve such a warning?" Damon asked sarcastically.

Klaus stepped closer to Damon. "I should have killed you for your plot to kill my family and plotting with my mother, but I let it slide, but let me tell you this if you ever come near Caroline again or hurt her, and if I hear about it, you will wish you were never born." Klaus replied looking Damon straight in the eyes harshly.

Klaus had thought about compelling him to stay away from Caroline, but she would disapprove. Besides, threatening was more fun to Klaus.

Damon smirked. "I knew you had a thing for her, and I knew you two were getting friendly. I told her to stay away from you. She should've listened to me."

Klaus had enough. He reached towards Damon and jabbed his hand inside of Damon's stomach.

Damon doubled over and stifled a scream.

"Oh, god" Damon groaned.

Klaus smirked. "God can't save you from me. Now I could kill you, but I'm feeling gracious today." Klaus straightened Damon up to look him in the eyes, Klaus' eyes dilating. "If you even think about hurting Caroline again, you will remember this moment and what it felt like to have my hand in your intestines, because next time I will aim for your heart, and I won't hesitate to extract it from your chest. Are we clear?"

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