Broken Necks

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It was early the next morning when Bonnie heard someone knocking, rather harshly, at her door. She suspected who the visitor was, but when she opened the door, she looked into the angry blue eyes of Damon Salvatore.

"What do you want, Damon?" She asked leaning against the door, careful not to cross the doorway.

"What the hell did you do?" He demanded leaning as far as he could.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She answered sourly.

Damon narrowed his eyes. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes, not backing down. "I have nothing to say to you, Damon. Now I suggest you get off my porch before I force you off."

"You know, little miss witch, sooner or later I am going to find out everything and when I do."

"You'll what, Damon. Kill me. You know I will kill you long before you even try, and you know I can. Now leave me alone."

"You heard her, Damon." A voice came from behind Damon. He turned around to find Caroline coming up the walk. "Leave her alone."

"Well if it isn't Vampire Barbie, I heard your boyfriend's back in town." He replied with a smirk, walking towards Caroline.

Caroline folded her arms across her chest, careful not to show any emotion.

"Ex-boyfriend, Damon, and no I haven't heard."

Bonnie looked at her curiously, but didn't say a word.

Damon walked closer. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you moved on to 'greener' pastures."

"What are you talking about?"

Damon scoffed. "I'm talking about you and Klaus. I saw the way you were friendly with him at the ball the other night." He stated sarcastically.

Caroline felt her blood run cold. Now was not the time to give in. "That is none of your business." She declared.

Damon leveled to her eyes. "I said this to you once before, Caroline. Don't be his friend. Nothing good can come from it."

"What would you know of friends, Damon? For the better part of our relationship you used me, and you still use me. You don't care about anyone but yourself, and you know what I feel sorry for you, but that is all. You can't tell me what to do anymore, Damon Salvatore. Actually you never could tell me what to do, so I suggest you leave me alone, and while you're at it just leave." Caroline replied her courage and her rage growing by the minute.

"You heard her, Damon, and give my best to Elena." Bonnie stated, still standing in her door.

Damon turned and glared at Bonnie and then turned back to Caroline. His grin became deadly causing Caroline to step back. With quick movements, Damon reached up and quickly snapped Caroline's neck.

Bonnie screamed as Caroline hit the ground, unconscious from a broken neck. She watched as Damon gave Caroline a sad smile. At least, to Bonnie, it looked like a sad smile. Damon glanced back at Bonnie and then ran away.

Bonnie ran down to Caroline and gently lifted Caroline's head in her lap.

"Kol!" She screamed towards the house.

Kol ran out of the house and took in the sight before him. He pulled out his cell phone and quickly dialed Klaus' number.

"There better be a good reason for this, Kol." Klaus replied over the phone.

"Caroline, at Bonnie's, hurry" Kol quickly said into the phone, and ran over to Caroline.

"Get in the house, now." Bonnie replied tearfully.

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