Anger and Love

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Klaus took a step back. So that was it, her boyfriend had returned.

"Klaus, it's not what you think." Caroline replied. "I don't feel about Tyler in that way anymore."

Klaus looked at her in disbelief.

"You have to believe me. I care about you, not him."

"Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me could have been lies." Klaus replied, angrily.

Caroline shook her head. "Everything I ever told you was the truth. Tyler coming back doesn't change anything, Klaus. You have to believe me."

Klaus turned around and started out the door. Caroline rushed to his side, and gently touched his arm.

"I have obligations, Caroline."

"No, Klaus, you are not leaving." She stated.

"I said it before, you don't own me."

Caroline took a step back, stunned. "You're right I don't own you, Klaus." She began with anger. "I don't have any right to tell you what you should believe; after all I am the girl who saved your life and your siblings." She nearly shouted and turned away from him towards the window.

"That reminds me." Klaus began, walking towards Caroline. "I haven't asked you how you knew about my mother's plan."

Caroline took a deep, nervous breath. She knew it was going to come up sooner or later, but she was sincerely hoping it would have been later.

"Answer me Caroline. How did you know about Mother's plan to kill us?" Klaus asked suspiciously.

Caroline kept her back to him. She couldn't face him. She crossed her arms across her chest.

"Answer me!" Klaus demanded.

Caroline whirled around angerily. "Or what? What will you do to me? Compel me, threaten me? You think you are so bad and evil! You think you can get all of the answers by demanding them to be answered. You don't even think about the consequences of knowing the truth. Well you can do whatever you want because I am not telling you, not like this."

Klaus felt his blood boil with anger. Nobody has ever talked to him that way and lived. Now here was a baby vampire, who he admired, talking down to him. He wasn't going to take this.

Klaus stepped forward, anger flashing in his eyes, causing Caroline to back up just a hair only to land against the wall with nowhere else to move.

He placed his arms on both sides of her, blocking her exit. He glared into her eyes. Caroline couldn't help, but look into them. She tried to look away when she realized he could compel her.

"Please don't do this, Klaus." She whispered, pleadingly, her anger from a second ago melting away to fear.

Klaus raised his head a fraction at her words. "Don't do what?" He whispered back.

"Don't compel me. You would get your answers, but my heart won't be in it. You don't deserve an answer that way, Klaus, please." Caroline replied, with fear and tenderness.

Klaus was taken aback by her answer. His anger melted away and he realized he scared the only person in the world who had ever protected him beside his family, and he could have ruined their fragile relationship because of his anger and pride.

He stepped back and turned away from her. "I'm sorry, Caroline."

Caroline, still fearful, took a hesitant step forward towards him. "I didn't mean to get you angry, Klaus, but I can't tell you the truth. Not now, give it time, I will tell you everything. I promise."

Klaus turned to face her, hurt radiating from his expression. Caroline knew he needed time; she just hated seeing this look on his face.

"People make promises all the time and always break them. How do I know you will keep this promise?" He whispered, uncertainly.

Caroline touched his arm. "You don't; you are just going to have to trust me, Klaus."

"I've never been good with trust, Caroline. Everyone I ever trusted stabbed me in the back."

"I'm not everyone, Klaus. I'm me, and I assure you I never make promises that I don't keep. I told you before I would never do anything to hurt you." She paused and then gave a sad smile. "Take a chance, Niklaus."

Klaus smiled at her words, and nodded.

~In the Kitchen~

Kol turned to face Bonnie.

"I think everything is okay. Caroline calmed him down."

Bonnie sighed in relief. "It amazes me how much affect she has on him." She replied.

Kol smiled with satisfaction. "My brother is in love. Now whether or not he admits it or not is another subject, like I am."

"Like you are what, Kol?" Bonnie whispered as Kol came to stand in front of her.

Kol smiled and brushed a hair from her face. "Like I am about to admit, I love you, Bonnie Bennett."

Bonnie gasped in shock. An Original just confessed his love for her. This was unreal, not to mention that this was the Original who was the worst of the lot. He was a psycho, but a loveable psycho.

"Bonnie, I know I have done things in my past, which you do not approve, but after meeting you, and getting to know you I realized you make me a better person. I love you, little witch."

Bonnie felt tears forming in her eyes as she closed them, the tears escaped and made their way down her cheeks. She felt Kol wipe the tears away gently from her face. She opened her eyes and raised her hand to his face. With a smile she whispered, "I love you, Kol Mikaelson."

This time it was Kol's turn be shocked.

Bonnie let out a small chuckle. "When I found out I was a witch and that there were vampires in this world, I realized it was my duty to protect this world from them, but then I became friends with some of them and my best friend was turned into one I realized that some were not entirely bad. I still didn't trust them with my life, until Caroline. She was the only one who still managed to retain her humanity. She fights for it every day of her existence. I began to believe that all of the vampires could have a little bit of humanity still locked away inside of them." She paused and turned and walked into the living room, Kol followed her.

She sat down on the couch and Kol sat next to her. With her head bowed, she continued. "When Caroline left after Klaus was killed, I thought I had lost everything. Then you came. You were there for me when no one else was Kol. Slowly with each day, I began to see that little piece of humanity inside of you. I began to see that I could not have made it through those days had you not been there. No one else may see that piece of you, but I do. That's why I love you, Kol. You may stand against everything I am as a witch, but I see the man you were before you were turned and I see the man you are now. You are a good man, Kol."

Kol couldn't take anymore. He leaned forward and, placing his left hand behind Bonnie's head, brought her head to meet his. She didn't fight as he firmly, but gently placed his lips on hers. Bonnie was stunned, but only for a second. She brought her hands to Kol's shoulders and returned the kiss. It was a gentle kiss, but one of fire. Bonnie gently pulled back when her air had become restricted, and realized Kol was panting.

"Don't tell anyone, I don't want to ruin my reputation." Kol remarked, still trying to catch his breath, with a smile.

Bonnie returned the smile and nodded teasingly. She leaned forward, and before she kissed him again, she whispered. "Your secret is safe with me."

Caroline wasn't the only one taming the beast; Bonnie was taming her as well.

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