Getting Even I

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Klaus slowed once they became a mile away from the house. He gently placed Caroline down, and turned away with his back facing her. Caroline tilted her head and then looked at the surrounding forest. She knew they were not too far from the mansion, so she wondered why he stopped here.

"Nik, are you alright?" She asked, softly. She stepped towards him quietly, not knowing what his mood foretold.

Klaus walked away and moved towards to the tree. He reached out and grasped the tree with both hands, tightly.

Caroline closed her eyes for a second and opened them to find Klaus facing her with his eyes a vibrant yellow. She took a step back, and her eyes widened, as she witnessed his veins beginning to form around his eyes.

"Nik," She breathed out his name, caused him to close his eyes in anguish.

"Caroline," He whispered in the stillness of the night, and turned away from her.

"Nik, what's wrong?" She asked, gathering her strength and stepping towards him.

Klaus' body began to shake, and he shook his head.

"What's wrong? What's happening?" She asked, fear seeping through her words.

Klaus groaned and clutched the tree, harder. He began to feel his anger and frustration take hold. His shoulder began to pop, and he contained a scream from the pain.

Caroline gasped as she realized what was happening. Shaking her head and whispering a no, Caroline sped over to Klaus, and stood in front of him.

"Nik," She replied, gently grasping his right hand.

He looked up into her eyes, and closed his eyes as he held down a groan, and his body began to shake more fiercely. "Go, Caroline, before I hurt you, or worse." He screamed at her.

Caroline shook her head, and moved her hands to his face, forcing him to look in her eyes once again.

"I'm not leaving you." She whispered sternly, searching his face, hoping he would snap out of whatever was happening to him.

Klaus straightened up and grasped her tightly, and pulled her in his arms. Caroline wasn't sure what was happening until he slammed his lips onto hers.

She hung onto him, as she realized what was happening. The past three days were coming out in all forms. She could feel his anger, sorrow, love, and so much emotion. She clung tighter running her fingers through his hair. He groaned into her mouth, as she pressed herself closer to him showing him how much she had missed him. Klaus' hands roamed her body tracing every curve, every perfect point on her body. He growled in her mouth, and Caroline smiled through closed eyes as he moved from her mouth to her jawline to her neck. She knew he was always careful around her, but tonight he was fighting a battle with his wolf side for dominance. She moaned as he began to take little nibs on her neck, but not breaking skin. Suddenly he pulled back, Caroline opened her eyes, and saw his eyes were still the vibrant yellow, under his eyes were his veins becoming more pronounced. He opened his mouth just a little, and she saw his fangs, longer and thicker than regular vampires, emerging from his gums.

Caroline didn't run. She stood in front of him with a soft smile. She closed the distanced between them, and raised her hands to his face. Gently she traced his veins, and leaned forward to place her lips on the spot where his veins ended on his right cheek. She moved her lips up his face. Once she reached his eyes, he closed them on instinct, and she kissed them, then she moved to the left side.

He let out a shudder, and his wolf side began to die down. He let out a breathy voice as he whispered her name.

She smiled as she kissed his left eye, and then leaned her forehead on his. Watching as the veins disappeared, his fangs moving back, and his eyes returning to their beautiful blue.

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