Losing the Lights

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"Don't even think about it, Kol." Bonnie ranted around in the garden.

"Bonnie, you have to learn how to control. I'll be right here to stop you." Kol replied with a smile.

"That's supposed to make me feel better." Bonnie asked, folding her arms across her chest.

Kol smiled.

"I'm not feeding on a living human." Bonnie stated with certainty.

Kol stepped towards her. "I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to step into the room with her. You will have to sooner or later. Wouldn't you rather it be sooner?"

Bonnie closed her eyes, and sighed. "Fine, but if I go for her throat, and if you don't stop me, I will give you a migraine you will never forget." Bonnie huffed.

Kol smirked. "Darling, you don't have your powers anymore."

Bonnie stepped towards him. "I know, darling, but there are other ways to make you suffer." She whispered.

Kol's smirk faded, as he got her meaning. She was still a little witch, powers or no.

"You wouldn't dare, witch." Kol stated, with little breath.

Bonnie smiled. "Try me, Kol." She replied, running her fingers across his chest.

"Why are you so aggressive all of a sudden, love?" Kol asked, taking her hands in his.

Bonnie lowered her eyes, and felt her veins grow hot at the contact. "I don't know." She whispered. "I'm scared, Kol."

Kol graced her face, and lifted her face to look in her eyes. "I'll be right beside you; there is no reason for you to be scared. I won't let you do anything you will regret." He vowed.

Bonnie smiled and leaned up to his lips. She gave him a gentle peck on the lips, but something kept her bound to him. She held on tighter, and continued to kiss him with all her might. It was the first kiss since she turned, and she couldn't believe the difference. She couldn't tear away from his lips, and the growing passion erupting from her body became too much for her. It was addictive.

Kol pulled away, knowing this was not the time for this. He looked into her eyes, and smiled as he pushed her hair away from her face.

"We'll have eternity to do this, but right now we have something more pressing to take care of."

Bonnie slumped, and nodded, as he took her hand into his and led her into the house, where Elena was waiting.

Elena stood next to Elijah with Stefan, Rebekah, Finn, and Sage sitting around in chairs around the room. Bonnie knew Caroline and Klaus were upstairs, and smiled inwardly at what they might be doing. She knew Caroline waited this long, and how she and Klaus needed privacy. It comforted her to know that her best friend wasn't too far away. She squeezed Kol's hand tighter.

She watched as Elena fidgeted in front of her, and she smelled the fear emanating from her skin. She smelled delicious.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Bonnie, love," Kol whispered, silently asking if it was too much for her.

Bonnie shook her head. She felt her fangs come down, and she tried her best to focus on Kol standing next to her, nothing more than Kol.

Still, the smell of Elena's blood taunted her, and she felt the fangs becoming more prominent. She placed her other hand on Kol's arm, and squeezed tighter. If he had been a human, she would have broken his arm. He knew she was trying, but with the extra grip on his arm, he knew he had to take her out of there.

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