Author's Note: One Last Chapter

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Okay, This is a little author's note. As much as I LOVE writing this story, I have come to a decision. I'm leaving this story with the next chapter. It will bring the story to the point where I can continue with a sequel.

Please don't hate me for this, but it really is the writer's decision. As much as I have enjoyed writing this story, I feel it needs to come to an end. I hope you will all understand, because this was not an easy decision to make, but I felt I was repeating myself in a few areas when it came to this particular story, and I don't want to bore you with a little repeating.

The title of the Sequel will be Happy Endings, and I hope to have finished this story and the beginning chapter of the sequel up in the next day or two, or maybe tonight, depending how far I get.

Some of the coming soons which were mentioned in the previous chapter will be continued in the sequel such as Rebekah and Stefan's heart to heart, Damon's happy ending, and the weddings.

I should warn you all, the sequel will be filled with fluff, and hardly no angst.

I have been thinking of doing another story which mainly consists of some one-shots from throughout this story. I am planning to include some Kennett, Stebekah, Elejah, Fage, and of course Klaroline.

I will not end this story with a cliffhanger, and it will end on a happy note.

I want to thank those of you who have stuck with me throughout this LONG story, and have offered me encouragement to continue writing. You all have been a blessing to me, and I hope you will continue to support me and my writing for as long as you can.

I know I have lost some of my readers due to the length and the way this story went, for that I do apologize. Just know that those of you who have stuck with this, I love each and every one of you.

You guys are the BEST!

With much love sent your way, this is Sci-fi Christian saying thank you and happy reading! :D

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