Journal, Confessions, and a Plan

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Night turned to day, a day turned to a week, and a week turned into a month. Slowly the month turned to two, two months of waiting for what Esther was planning. Caroline and Klaus slowly grew closer, and by the end of the second month, they were inseparable. Wherever Klaus was, Caroline wasn't too far behind, and vice versa.

Because Caroline had started staying over for protection, she learned almost everything about Klaus, and he her. When she had told her mom about Tyler and the threat he and Klaus' mom posed, Liz knew that Klaus would protect her little girl better than she could, so she agreed to let Caroline stay with Klaus and his family. In order to insure protection, Bonnie spelled the house with a barrier, which only allowed a few people inside, except for Stefan, Damon, and especially Tyler and Esther. Just a few weeks ago, Bonnie extended the barrier to the gardens, much to the joy of the inhabitants of the house.

For the past two months, Caroline was falling more in love with Niklaus Mikaelson, and she shuttered to think he felt the same. During these months, Caroline noticed how close Kol and Bonnie were. She noticed how Kol was always there when Bonnie needed him. Bonnie had told Caroline that they had only knew each other a week before they realized they were falling for each other. Caroline smiled at the thought of her best friend in love with the dangerous hybrid. It was only around Bonnie, did Caroline see the change she had made in Kol. Kol was changing her too. Caroline didn't know whether it was because they had only four weeks to get to know each other before they came back, or was it because they had spent two months together in this house, inseparable. Caroline came to see that whatever the reason, Bonnie was happy and free.

Caroline smiled at the thought, while sitting in Klaus' painting room. When she had informed Klaus that she needed a few private moments alone, he suggested she use this room because nobody came in here, except him, and he respected her need for a little privacy.

During the two months, Caroline had taken to writing in a journal. She looked down at the leather bounded journal, with her name etched perfectly on the cover. It was given to her two months ago by Rebekah. She said it was a peace offering for her brother. Caroline couldn't remember when Rebekah was so human, but during these months Caroline grew closer to the blond vampire, and so did Matt. Caroline smiled in remembering when Matt came over to bring Elena some food, and Rebekah had answered the door. Her and Bonnie looked out the window, and smiled at how nervous Matt was talking to her. Since he couldn't come in at the time, he just stood out on the porch talking with Rebekah for hours. They talked until Matt couldn't keep his eyes open. It was then, that he was allowed to enter. Rebekah, in her human moment, couldn't stand to let him drive in this state. Ever since that night, Matt came over every day just to see 'his' Rebekah.

The brothers didn't miss a thing. Caroline let out a laugh, as she read what she wrote on a certain day when Matt came over.

Klaus ordered Rebekah to stay in her room, while he and the other brothers 'got to know' this human boy. Rebekah whined and told Klaus that he was not the boss of her, and that she could see anyone she wanted. I remember Klaus laughing at that, and saying, "If you were not my sister, I suppose you would." I watched as Rebekah finally relented and stayed in her room.

The boys, with me, Bonnie, Sage, and Elena listening outside the door, began to talk with Rebekah's Matt.

"Now, Matt," Elijah began. "Since Rebekah is our only sister, you should understand why we are doing this."

Apparently he nodded because this time Klaus continued.

"You do know that if you hurt our darling sister, we will rip out your heart."

I rolled my eyes. Klaus was such a dramatic.

"Among other things" Kol added.

"You see, we don't mean to be so hostile, it's just we know exactly what men think." Klaus began.

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