Death and Happiness

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Caroline screamed in pain, and looked down at Klaus. She looked at him with love shining in her eyes, and he returned the love.

The next thing she knew, Tyler rammed the stake further in her chest, and she felt her life being drained out of her. She closed her eyes, but opened them to look into Tyler's eyes.

"Please, Tyler, don't do this." She whispered, her breath not catching.

Tyler's gaze softened at her words, but then quickly went back to being cold and calculating. Suddenly Tyler was thrown across the room. Caroline fell to the ground; the stake going deeper in her chest. She screamed as Klaus knelt down in front of her.

"This is going to hurt, love." He whispered, looking at her softly.

"Just do it, Nik." She replied, gritting her teeth.

Klaus looked in her eyes with pain, as he gripped the stake and yanked it hard from her chest. She screamed loud and writhed on the floor.

Tyler got up from the floor and charged towards Klaus. Klaus turned around and the stake rammed into Tyler's chest, barely missing his heart.

Tyler fell to the floor, and struggled to get up.

"Can you walk, love?" Klaus asked, Caroline as she slowly stood up.

Caroline nodded. "I can try." She looked at her mother, who was slowly standing. "Mom, are you alright?"

Liz nodded, as she stood and came over to her daughter. "Is he dead?"

Klaus shook his head. "Not yet, but don't worry he will be. Caroline, take Liz out of here."

Caroline was going to object, but recognized the look on Klaus' face. "Come back to me, Nik." She whispered.

He smiled. "Always, love" He whispered.

They heard footsteps and turned to see Finn, Elijah, Kol, Bonnie, Elena, Rebekah, Matt, and Sage enter the cellar.

Bonnie looked down at a writhing Tyler and began to mumble. Kol came to stand beside her in case she needed him. Elena helped Caroline and Liz out of the cellar, after Caroline gave Klaus a long enduring kiss. Elena gave Elijah a hopeful look before leading Caroline and Liz outside, followed by Sage and Matt.

The Originals were left alone with only Bonnie and Tyler, with the stake sticking out of his chest. Finn and Kol picked Tyler up and placed him face first against the wall.

"You won't get away with this, Klaus." Tyler screamed.

"Think again, mongrel." Klaus whispered.

Rebekah pulled out a dagger and handed to Klaus.

Klaus smiled as he twirled the Original dagger around in his hands. He approached Tyler and ripped his shirt off.

Klaus placed the dagger at Tyler's back and smirked at what he was planning to do. He jabbed the dagger in to Tyler's back. Tyler screamed at the pain. Klaus carved notches in Tyler's back and pulled out the dagger.

Klaus stepped back, and Rebekah stepped forward. She reached into Tyler's back and slowly pulled Tyler's ribs, one by one from his spine. She reached in and felt for Tyler's intestines. Tyler hollered and groaned. Slowly, Rebekah pulled on his stomach, but didn't pull it out.

She stepped aside, and Elijah stepped forward and finished pulling on Tyler's ribs. Elijah felt around and toyed with Tyler's spine. Tyler screamed as he felt his legs go numb. Esther didn't tell him about this. She told him he was invincible, but now with what they were doing, he knew that she was completely wrong. He was going to die.

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