The Voice and Revelations

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"What's wrong?" Caroline asked Klaus as he stood up from the bench.

He turned to her. "What did you do?" He demanded.

Caroline stood up. "Nothing" She replied innocently.

"What did you do?" He demanded, grabbing her arms hard and giving her a shake.

"I didn't do anything. Stop it" She replied, looking at him and seeing the hurt and betrayal on his face.

Caroline instantly regretted taking part in this plan.

Remember flashed in her mind once again as she sat on the steps of her porch. Pretty soon Esther would figure out her little plan didn't work, and then she would try to find out why.

Caroline dropped her hands in her face and felt tears pour from her eyes. What was she going to do next?


Caroline looked up to see Bonnie standing in front of her with her grimoire in her arms.

"Hey, Bonnie, what are you doing here?" Caroline asked, wiping the traces of tears from her eyes.

Bonnie motioned to the space next to Caroline. Caroline nodded.

Bonnie sat down and placed the grimoire beside her, and turned to face Caroline.

"Caroline, we need to talk." Bonnie began, looking at Caroline carefully.

Caroline waited.

Bonnie let out a sigh. "I had this all worked out in my head, and now I can't even get the words out." She began, moving her eyes away from Caroline.

Caroline watched as her best friend began to nervously rub her hands on her jeans.

"Bonnie, what is it?"

Bonnie took a deep breath, and quickly answered. "I'm the one who sent you here."

Caroline was stunned, to say the least. "Do you mind running that by me again?"

Bonnie gathered her courage and faced her friend. "I'm the one who sent you back in time."

Caroline flashed back to the voice. It was a different voice than Bonnie's, but why was she saying it was her who sent her back.

"That's funny, Bonnie."

"I'm not joking, Caroline. I sent you here to help me."

"I thought I was here for Klaus, to make things right with him."

Bonnie nodded. "You are, but you are also here to help me stop our idiotic friends from doing something foolish."

"What are you talking about?" Caroline asked, not entirely sure what Bonnie meant.

"Care, you just remembered."

Caroline looked away from her friend and pondered what Bonnie had just said. Anger began to fill her body and she jerked her head around and stood up from the porch and stormed inside.

Bonnie sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be easy, and stood up to follow Caroline inside the house.

"Care, I know this is hard for you to understand." Bonnie began as she followed Caroline into the living room.

Caroline spun around to face her.

"No, Bonnie this all very simple to understand, you bring me back here thinking I'm supposed to make things right with Klaus, but instead you brought me here to help you stop our stupid friends from doing something crazy."

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