Kidnapping and the Truth

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Liz went to answer the door at six o'clock in the morning. She grunted as she turned the nob and the door swung open. She gasped as she saw Tyler Lockwood on the other side.

She quickly went to close the door, but he was faster and stronger.

She staggered against the wall, and fear crept in her body as Tyler crossed the boundary and into her home.

"It seems we have a problem, Liz." Tyler replied, placing both arms on both sides of Liz.

He clicked his tongue. "You see, I need Caroline, and since she is guarded by that bastard Klaus, I need a way to get her away from him, and you're the one who is going to help me?"

"Why can't you just leave her alone?" Liz asked her maternal instinct surfacing.

Tyler slammed his hand against the wall, cracking it.

"Because she belongs with me" He stated through clenched teeth.

He closed his eyes to calm himself. He opened them with his anger simmering.

"Besides, she is the only one to get to Klaus."

"Why? He has done nothing to you." Liz spat.

"Is that what he told you?" He yelled in her face. "I suppose that's what he wanted you to think, so he could get your daughter. He ruined my life." He spat. "He sired me, and ordered me to bit your daughter, my Caroline!" He yelled, causing Liz to jump.

"He told me everything, Tyler, and I'm sorry for what happened to you, but Caroline made her choice." She whispered.

Tyler gripped his hands against the wall.

"You're lucky I need you alive, Liz, or else I would rip your heart out." He stated angrily, grabbing Liz and shoving her out the door, with her struggling along the way.

~Kitchen in the Mikaelson Mansion~

Caroline's phone rang as she was getting her daily feed with Klaus.

"Hey, mom, what's up?" She answered, cheerfully smiling at Klaus.

"What is up is that your mother has 24 hours to live unless you do exactly as I say." Tyler spoke smugly into the phone.

Caroline dropped her blood bag, and fear and anger gripped her heart. Klaus reached for the phone, but Caroline shrugged him off.

"If you touch her, I will personally rip your heart out of your damn chest!" She screamed.

Tyler laughed.

"You see that is going to be difficult considering Esther made me invincible."

Caroline gasped and reached for Klaus, who again reached for the phone. Caroline shook her head, but put the phone on speaker.

"How did she?" Caroline barely whispered, but Tyler heard her.

Bonnie and Kol walked into the kitchen and noticed Caroline's face.

"Bonnie's mother was kind enough to perform the spell."

Bonnie covered her mouth and turned to Kol, who wrapped his arms around Bonnie.

"Enough talk, Caroline. Here is what I want. I want you to meet I want you to meet me at the Lockwood cellar, alone or else mommy dear gets a lonesome heart."

Caroline looked at Klaus with fear in her eyes. He wrapped his arm around Caroline.

"You still there, sweetheart?"

"I'm not your sweetheart." She grounded out.

"We'll see. Meet me there at six this afternoon or else. Got it?"

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