I love You

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 Barry and Oliver had been together for about a month. Barry was constantly telling Oliver how much he misses him and how much he cares about him and that he loves him. Oliver would just smile and kiss Barry either on the head or lips but never said "I love you" back. Of course, Barry knew Oliver loved and cared about him there was no question he just wished the Archer would tell him that. Nearly three months into the relationship and the two were currently out to dinner at a nice restaurant in between Star and Central city. Barry was going on about a new meta they just caught that had a cool power and Oliver was just sat quietly a small smile and a loving look in his eye, he was only half listening to what Barry was saying as he watched the speedster. Barry started going on about the science behind how they stopped the meta but Oliver unexpectedly interrupted him which he never normally did but he spoke softly "I love you" he blurted out. Barry stopped talking "I- what?" he said. "I said I love you, you don't have to make a big deal out of I just wanted to say that and-" Oliver said but Barry cut him off. "Ollie" Oliver stopped rambling. "I was just gonna say I love you too," Barry said leaning over the table and kissing Oliver softly. Oliver smiled softly as the two locked eyes.

(A/N- short but fluffy)

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