Al Sah-Him and Al Doll-Who Pt.2

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 Barry smiled as Oliver woke him up with a kiss on the cheek. "I have to go I'll see you later my love" Oliver said softly kissing his lips before almost silently making his way out of the room. Today was the day that they were to wed and Oliver could take the throne of Ras. Barry was smiling as he stood and the league members helped him dress and get ready for his big day.

Oliver went to another room and with mild assistance also got dressed for the wedding. When he arrived in the throne room Ra's was there. "Good morning Al Sah-him" Ras said. "Yes, it is," Oliver said bowing respectfully. Ra's nodded in responses when Oliver heard the door open. Oliver took a deep breath and turned to face Barry as he walked in. Barry smiled at Oliver and stood next to him taking his hand. A woman behind Ra's began to speak "there is no vow more sacred, nor convenient or holy than the one between two people, with this ceremony your souls are bound together forever joined you will never be free you will always be held captive by your love for each other." She spoke Barry locked eyes with Oliver smiling lovingly. "The women held her hand out palm facing up looking at Oliver who placed his hand on top the same way. Barry placed his hand on top of Oliver their palms together and the women placed her other hand palm down. "The union is sealed," she said. Oliver smiled and leaned over and kissed Barry's head. Barry smiled and leaned into Oliver who wrapped his arm around Barry as they shared a passionate kiss.

(requested by Olivarry )

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