6 | Love

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Jungkook POV

Today I woke up early finding no one was beside me.I think she already went to work so I decided to relax at home doing nothing but suddenly my planned has been cancelled after receiving a message from Y/N's dad.

Appa:Come to my office today.I have some documents for you to finish

Jungkook: ok

Appa💗is no longer online


I decided to take a quick shower and use the shortcut to the office since its working hour.I arrived at Y/N's dad office and knocked on the door.

"Come in"he commanded.

"Which file do you want me to finish appa" I asked with a stern face.He gaved me a pile of file that looks like only can be done in one week rather than one day.I had difficulty carrying all of them as it was very much files and documents.

When I just stepped out from the elevator,I bumped into a girl which caused me to accidentally drop all the files from my hand.She apologize but somehow the voice sounded familiar to me.It was Y/N.She asked me why I was there and I told her that her dad wanted to see me.She soon bid me goodbye and waved at me.

I went to my car and placed my files on the back seat and started texting Y/N about I was going to pick her up after work but sadly she rejected me because she has some other plans to do with her boyfriend tonight.I actually can't blame her for having a boyfriend as I have already cheated behind her back.

I sighed and put my phone aside and took all the files and documents that her dad gave me.I focused really hard on my work as if I make any mistake her dad will make a fuss about it and neither I or her will get into trouble.As I was working,my stomach started to growl.I guess I'm hungry.

I opened the fridge and try to find some ingredients that could be cooked.So I decided to make Kimchi Stu for 2 person as I will keep it some for her if she is hungry.I sat down with my food at the dining table and started to scroll my social media while eating.While scrolling,I discovered all my pictures with Sooyeon that has been a sweet memory to me.

But now she has changed.We don't have the same feeling anymore.I guess that other guy treated her way better than I treat Sooyeon.

My body keeps on telling no but my heart keeps telling that I should forgive Sooyeon and get together with her again like we used to always.So I texted her telling I will meet her at XXXXXX cafe tomorrow.

Jungkook:Meet me at XXXXXX cafe tomorrow.Let's talk!

Sooyeon:ok.As you wish



Sooyeon💔is no longer online


After I texted her I placed my plate on the sink and place the Kimchi Stu in the fridge as she must have eaten with her boyfriend and continue doing my work.I was facing my computer till midnight just to finish the works and my head felt dizzy.

I decided to take some pain killer pills to make my headache slightly gone but it turns out that the medicine made me turned sleepy and I dozed to sleep at the dining table on my computer.

(A/N:Hello mints💚I'm starting to lose inspiration in this book as I have no idea how to continue it.But...but I will not unpublished the book like I did last time but more crappy and boring chapters are coming soon cuz inspiration just left me like a dumbass so bear with me ppl if the chapters doesn't suit the story enough.I've been thinking what will the ending be.Happy?Sad?or mystery?I hecticly don't know.Now I know how hard it is to become an author.It needs a lot of motivation and patience and both of that is not in me so let's try to make this book like not unpublished so pray for me so that inspiration will come back to me like a dust....hehehe💚..

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