Breaking News

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**CNN Breaking News**

April 19, 2018 

Caitlyn Coates, a senior at Highland Park High School, has been reported missing. Caitlyn is 5'8" with hazel eyes and auburn hair. An Amber Alert has been issued across the state of Illinois. Anyone who has information concerning the girl's disappearance is encouraged to contact the Highland Park Police Department.

Highland Park is an upscale suburb of Chicago with a very low crime rate. The last child reported missing was nearly 20 years ago. Ruth Callaway, a resident of Highland Park for the last 40 years, says that Caitlyn's disappearance, "has shaken the community to its core."

"This type of thing just doesn't happen here," said George Cartwright, who has lived in the quiet community for nearly 30 years.

Citizens in the community have formed a search party. A Facebook page has also been created by Caitlyn's classmates as a way to help locate the missing senior. Students at Highland Park High describe Caitlyn as popular, outgoing and smart. 

"She was the girl everyone wanted to be friends with, the girl everyone wanted to be," said high school senior Rachel Martin.

The parents of Caitlyn Coates will be holding a press conference later today.

**CNN Breaking News**

April 26, 2018

There has been an update in the search for high school senior, Caitlyn Coates. Several items were found today by a runner in Rosewood Park, which police have confirmed belong to the missing teen. Details of these items have not yet been released. Caitlyn's parents reported her missing a week ago. A search party was created by the citizens of Highland Park, but turned up nothing. This is the first big development in the case. A press conference is scheduled to be held later this evening. 

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