Author's Note

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Whoa! That got a little crazy at the end, wouldn't you say? Caitlyn wound up being a very different person than anyone realized. She was brilliant, sure, you'd have to be to pull something like that off. But she was also, diabolical and frankly, downright cuckoo. In many ways, she was actually far more similar to her mother than she would probably ever like to admit. Oh, the irony. But I also feel that it's true that we all have different sides to us depending on the situation or who we're with. Thoughts?

I'm also really curious to know your thoughts on the ending? Did anyone see it coming that Caitlyn was the mastermind behind it all? Be honest....

If you didn't see it coming, then who did you think did it as you were reading? 

Terry and Vivian both did some pretty terrible things. Do you think they got what they deserved? Do you believe in karma?

Just one more thing, thank you SO much for reading! This book is WAY different than anything I've ever written and I was a bit nervous to post it online, but frankly, it was the most fun to write. I loved getting into each character's (sometimes messed up) head and writing from their point of view. Did you enjoy the format where there was an interview and then you got to hear from that character's point of view and then Caitlyn's point of view on her relationship with that character? Who was your favorite and least favorite character and why? 

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!


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