Detective Martìnez

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Vivian Coates was a lot of things: a drunk, a bad mother, a liar. But at the top of the list was, adulterer. I discovered this when Detective Brandon handed me the shitty assignment of reviewing the hospital's surveillance footage. Vivian worked late, often. And by "work" I mean she spent a great deal of time on her back with Dr. Patrick in between her legs. 

Overall, they were careful not to reveal their affair. Footage showed Vivian going into Terry's office for long periods of time in the evenings where a camera wasn't present. There was nothing overly suspicious about that. But as time went on, they got sloppy. There was the occasional butt grab here or there at the front desk while the other administrative assistant wasn't looking. At first I thought it could be sexual harassment, but the touching went both ways, with Vivian casually brushing up against Dr. Patrick's dick when he would pass by her at the filing cabinet.

It wasn't surprising that they had both lied about the affair. They both had a lot to lose: their families, their jobs and the respect of the community. But to be honest, it wasn't Dr. Patrick's affair with Vivian that caught me the most off guard; it was that according to the video surveillance, Caitlyn spent an awful lot of time in Dr. Patrick's office, and not just in the foyer visiting her mother. In fact, most of the time she spent there was when her mother was away on her lunch break. There was quite a lot of footage showing Caitlyn entering Dr. Patrick's office and spending time alone with him with the door shut. Maybe it was innocent. Maybe she was doing some intern work for him, but whatever the reason, one thing was for sure, Dr. Patrick was a liar.

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