Detective Brandon

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I slapped the flashing red cop light on top of my car and raced to the station. Usually, I tried not to abuse the right to speed and blow through stoplights, like so many of my colleagues often did. I reserved the use of my light strictly for police work or emergency situations, and this was most definitely an emergency. 

I knew that the road to convicting Terry wasn't going to be easy, but this latest discovery that there might be someone else involved in Caitlyn's murder was catastrophic. I needed to stay ahead of this, especially before Terry's lawyer, or the press, got ahold of it. It had become very clear that someone was leaking information to the media. I had tried to ignore it for quite some time and stay focused on solving Caitlyn's disappearance, but when the media was awaiting us as we walked out of the hospital with Terry in handcuffs, I knew someone had tipped them off, but I couldn't figure out who or why.

I called Martìnez repeatedly on his cell, but he wasn't picking up. I hoped that meant the forensics team had passed the info on to him and he was already working on possible suspects. I prayed to God that he hadn't gone to interrogate Terry without me. That would be disastrous. But as flippant as the kid was, he wasn't stupid. I had faith that he didn't want to screw up this investigation anymore than I did.

When I reached the station, I headed straight to the Captain's office, as his voicemail had said to do. I now feared that his need to see me, had less to do with offering me his congratulations, and more to do with him wanting to yell at me over our royal fuck up in not discovering sooner that there was a possible second culprit. 

The Captain seemed less than happy when I entered his office. He berated me for a while about how easy it now would be for Terry's lawyer to get a jury to second guess whether or not Terry was a part of Caitlyn's murder. All they needed was reasonable doubt and they had that now that there was a second unidentified DNA sample on Caitlyn's remains. This wasn't news to me. It was exactly what I was cursing about as I raced towards the precinct, but what I wasn't prepared for, was a piece of information that he was going to share with me that would change, not only the course of the investigation, but my life, forever.

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