Madison Reeves Follow-Up Interview

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Detective Brandon: Hey Madison, how are you?

Madison: I'm okay I guess.

Detective Brandon: It was nice of you to come all this way for Caitlyn.

Madison: I don't know if I should have come.

Detective Brandon: Why's that?

Madison: I don't know anyone here, and it's not like people are very welcoming. I don't know what I expected. I just feel sort of out of place.

Detective Brandon: Well, I know it would have meant a lot to Caitlyn.

Madison: You know she would have hated this, right?

Detective Brandon: How so?

Madison: It's such a show. I mean, did you see Emily's performance?

Detective Brandon: Oscar worthy.

Madison: Ha, totally. I bet half these people didn't even know Caitlyn. They knew of her, but they didn't really know her. Everyone thought Caitlyn loved her popularity, but just because she was the center of attention, didn't mean she enjoyed it. I can't tell you how many nights she just wanted to stay in and I had to drag her out to a party.

Detective Brandon: You two really seemed to have a close relationship.

Madison: I thought so, but now I'm not so sure. Lately, with all the things that I've been hearing about her in the news...I feel like I didn't even know her.

Detective Brandon: But you did, possibly better than anyone, which is why I was wondering if I could ask you a couple more questions?

Madison: Sure.

Detective Brandon: When you lived with Caitlyn, did you ever see her take any pills?

Madison: Pills? I guess there was the occasional Midol here or there, you know, for girl reasons.

Detective Brandon: Right. Do you know for sure that it was Midol? Did you ever take any of the pills she was taking?

Madison: I think I asked a couple times for some. She always carried them in her purse, which came in handy more than once. Why? Do you think she was doing drugs?

Detective Brandon: It's a possible lead were considering.

Madison: Wow, really? That's just so hard to believe. I feel like I would have known.

Detective Brandon: It's possible she wasn't using while she was at Thomas Jefferson. She might not have had access.

Madison: Oh, she would have had access.

Detective Brandon: Really, how?

Madison: It's high school, not a nunnery. You could get all kinds of drugs.

Detective Brandon: From whom?

Madison: I don't want to get anyone in trouble. 

Detective Brandon: I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble. I just want to help Caitlyn.

Madison: Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I should probably get going. It's getting late.

Detective Brandon: Wait Madison, please don't go. You're the only person who really knew Caitlyn, which means you're the only one who might have a chance at helping us find her. I just have one more question.

Madison: Okay, one more and then I really am leaving.

Detective Brandon: Did Caitlyn ever mention someone named Curtis?

Madison: Curtis? Let me think...I don't think so.

Detective Brandon: It may have been code for someone else. Her friend Emily mentioned that she was into older guys and sometimes ones that might be considered "bad boys." Do you know an older bad boy type guy, named Curtis, that she may have been hanging out with?

Madison: Not that I can think of.

Detective Brandon: Okay, well please let me know if you think of anything. Here's my card. It was nice to see you again Madison. Have a nice night.

Madison: Wait, now that I think about said it was code, right?

Detective Brandon: Possibly, yes.

Madison: Well, I could be wrong about's probably nothing...

Detective Brandon: Anything could help at this point.

Madison: Okay, well, Caitlyn and I bonded over our mutual love of everything 80's. Thursday night was 80's movie night for us in our dorm room. I remember one of her favorites was The Outsiders. She even had a poster of it up on her wall. Do you know that movie?

Detective Brandon: I think I read the book back in grade school.

Madison: Well, the movie was the catalyst for launching the careers of a bunch of those 80's heartthrobs like Tom Cruise and Emilio Estevez. That karate kid guy is even in it. You know, "wax on, wax off." He plays Johnny.

Detective Brandon: But what does that have to do with Curtis?

Madison: Right, well, pretty much every girl I knew was obsessed with Matt Dillon; he played Dally, the baddest of the bad boys. But not Caitlyn. She had a serious obsession with Patrick Swayze.

Detective Brandon: I'm not following you.

Madison: Patrick Swayze played the role of Darry.

Detective Brandon: Still not following.

Madison: Darry Curtis. He was the oldest and smartest of the gang. He was always trying to protect the younger boys and keep them out of trouble, especially his younger brother Ponyboy. Darry didn't want Pony to get into trouble with the law and have no future. I don't know if that helps. It could be a stretch, but maybe there's something there?


Madison: Detective Brandon?

Detective Brandon: Thank you Madison. You've been more helpful than you'll ever know.



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