Avery Coates Interview

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Detective Brandon: Hello Avery, I'm Detective Brandon.

Avery: Hi Detective Brandon.

Detective Brandon: I'd like to ask you some questions about your sister. Is that okay?

Avery: Did my mom say it was okay?

Detective Brandon: Yes.

Avery: Then, sure. Go ahead.

Detective Brandon: How old are you, Avery?

Avery: 13

Detective Brandon: So you must be an eighth grader at Elm Place Middle.

Avery: That's right.

Detective Brandon: Headed to high school next year. That's a big step.

Avery: I guess.

Detective Brandon: How have you been doing since your sister's disappearance?

Avery: Okay, I guess. School hasn't been great. A lot of the kids have been giving me a hard time about Caitlyn.

Detective Brandon: How so?

Avery: Just saying things under their breath. And one day I went to put my books in my locker and someone had taped a pair of red underwear to it. When I opened my locker there was a fake finger inside.

Detective Brandon: Jesus, I'm sorry you've been going through that. Kids can be really cruel, especially in middle school. It gets better. I promise.

Avery: It didn't for Caitlyn. Look what happened to her.

Detective Brandon: That's why I need your help Avery. I'm hoping there might be something you know that will help us find her. Were you and Caitlyn close?

Avery: Yes and no. We drove each other crazy sometimes. I was always stealing her clothes and she was always embarrassing me around my friends, but that's just how sisters are. We had some good times though too. She showed me how to put on make up and taught me how to talk to boys. One time she let me drive the car when my dad was out of town and my mom was passed...asleep. When my mom was asleep.

Detective Brandon: I see. You know, Avery, I need you to be honest with me. You don't need to worry. I'm not going to tell your parents what you say.

Avery: Okay, I'll try.

Detective Brandon: Did your sister and your mom get along?

Avery: They used to, but it's hard to remember those days. They fought a lot. Sometimes I would hide behind a door and try to listen to their fights, but other times, I just put my headphones on and wanted it to stop.

Detective Brandon: What did they fight about?

Avery: Her...drinking, my dad, school.

Detective Brandon: That year she went away to boarding school, did she want to go?

Avery: Not at first. My mom and her got in a huge fight about it, but then when my dad got home from his trip, Caitlyn said it was all her idea, that she really wanted to try some place new and to meet new people. I was pretty lonely that year she was gone. With my dad traveling, it was just my mom and I most of the time. But I guess that's how it is now too.

Detective Brandon: What about your dad? Did he and Caitlyn get along?

Avery: He was definitely strict with her, but Caitlyn could do no wrong in my dad's eyes. But maybe that was just the guilt he felt over being gone all the time. He would always bring us gifts back from his trips though, which was nice.

Detective Brandon: Like éclairs? Did he bring you some back from his trip to New York?

Avery: Oh yeah, those are the best. I got to have Caitlyn's too, although I couldn't bring myself to eat it. It just sat on the dresser in my room until I put it in the fridge to stay fresh. I thought maybe she would come back and I could give it to her. I'm not sure that's going to happen now, but I can't bring myself to throw it away. It's like admitting she's really gone. Ya know?

Detective Brandon: Don't give up hope yet. What about Caitlyn's boyfriend? What can you tell me about him?

Avery: What boyfriend?

Detective Brandon: Colin Thomas. Did he ever come by the house?

Avery: She was dating Colin Thomas?! He's SO hot!

Detective Brandon: I'll take that as a no. Do you know where Caitlyn went after school?

Avery: It was hard to keep track of Caitlyn. She was always busy with some sort of club or internship.

Detective Brandon: Internship?

Avery: Yeah, she interned at the hospital that my mom works at. The school has a work experience program where you can leave for part of the school day if you're interning somewhere.

Detective Brandon: When did she have this internship?

Avery: Sophomore year. I think she did a little bit this past year as well, but you'd have to ask my mom.

Detective Brandon: Did Caitlyn have any secrets? Was there anything she was hiding from your parents that maybe she told you?

Avery: Sometimes she would sneak out of the house at night, but I do that too. Don't tell!

Detective Brandon: Do you know where she would go when she would sneak out?

Avery: Beats me.

Detective Brandon: Anything else that she might have been keeping secret?

Avery: Yes, but I'm not sure I should say anything. It's really bad.

Detective Brandon: If it will help your sister Avery, you need to tell me.

Avery: It might be easier if I show it to you. 

(Goes to closet)

Here...I found it like a week before Caitlyn went missing. Do you think this might have something to do with her disappearance?

Detective Brandon: There's a good chance. You did the right thing giving this to me. Thank you Avery.

Avery: Just promise me you'll find her. We may have fought sometimes, but I want my sister back.

Detective Brandon: I know you do Avery. I can't promise you that I'll find her, but I can promise you that I'll do my best.



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