Emily Jugenheimer Interview

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Detective Brandon: Emily, thanks for taking the time to speak with us. I know this must be a very difficult time for you.

Emily: It's Em, you can call me Em.

Detective Brandon: Ok, Em. I understand that Caitlyn was your best friend. Is that correct?

Emily: Who's this guy?

Detective Brandon: This is my partner, Detective Martìnez. He won't be asking you any questions. He's merely here to take notes.

Emily: Strong but silent. I like that.

Detective Brandon: Let's get back to Caitlyn. She was you best friend, correct?

Emily: That's right.

Detective Brandon: Did she have any other best friends?

Emily: Best friends? No.

Detective Brandon: What about...regular friends?

Emily: Not really. I mean, she had a lot of superficial friends. You know, the kind who wanted to be near her for their own reputation's sake, but they weren't really her friends. They didn't know her the way I did. She didn't have a lot of people she could trust.

Detective Brandon: Sounds lonely. Do you think she was lonely?

Emily: Isn't every teen at some point. We're all hiding some fucked up thing about ourselves, our lives or our family, like how Caitlyn's mother likes to...

(Sticks out thumb and pinky finger and makes drinking motion towards mouth)

Detective Brandon: What do you mean?

Emily: What, you're too old to get that reference? Never mind old man. I probably shouldn't have said anything. Just forget I said that.

Detective Brandon: Did Caitlyn say her mother has a drinking problem?

Emily: I mean, there were times that her mom was wasted and said some fucked up shit, but what mom hasn't done that to her daughter. You know what I mean?

Detective Brandon: Did she get along with her mother?

Emily: As much as any teenage girl does.

Detective Brandon: What about the year she went away? What happened there?

Emily: You mean junior year? To be honest, I don't really know. It was the one thing she wouldn't ever talk to me about.

Detective Brandon: Did the two of you keep in touch while she was away?

Emily: Sort of. Mainly via social media. We were both pretty busy during that time with SATs, college tours and applications. It was actually a pretty shitty year for her to leave. It never made any sense to me.

Detective Brandon: What about her boyfriend?

Emily: What about him?

Detective Brandon: What's his name again?

Emily: You mean, Colin?

Detective Brandon: Yeah, that's it.

Emily: What about him?

Detective Brandon: How long have they been together?

Emily: Just this year, basically since the beginning of the school year. It seemed to start over night. She never even talked about him and then, BAM, they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Detective Martìnez: So they fell fast and hard?

Detective Brandon: Martìnez!

Detective Martìnez: What?

Emily: It wasn't so much that they fell fast and hard. It was just....weird. She never even expressed interest in him and then she came back from her year away and they were attached at the hip. All I ever heard was Caitlyn and Colin this, and Colin and Caitlyn that. Blah blah blah. Plus, I was shocked that she was dating someone from our class. Caitlyn never dated guys her age. She was always into older guys. When we were freshman, she made out with a junior. When we were sophomores, she was obsessed with this senior who was probably the only boy who wouldn't give her the time of day. That was a first.

Detective Brandon: Interesting. So Colin wasn't older, but there must have been something about him that she liked. How would you describe him?

Emily: A high school Tom Brady. Annoyingly perfect in every sense of the word.

Detective Brandon: What about their relationship?

Emily: Annoyingly perfect in every sense of the word.

Detective Brandon: Did you ever see them fight?

Emily: No.

Detective Brandon: Did she ever talk about any issues between the two of them?

Emily: No. Like I said, they were annoyingly perfect. No high school couple has that little drama.

Detective Martìnez: Almost too good to be true?

Emily: You could say that.

Detective Brandon: Did they hang out after school?

Emily: Doubtful. In the fall, Colin had practice nearly everyday and second semester he was playing some other sport. You'd have to ask him though. He's such a jock. I can't believe Caitlyn was into him.

Detective Brandon: Not her type?

Emily: He was a little too goody-goody.

Detective Brandon: If she wasn't with her boyfriend then do you know where Caitlyn went after school?

Emily: Beats me. As the year went on, I saw less and less of her.

Detective Brandon: But you were her best friend. If you saw less and less of her, then who do you think she was hanging out with?

Emily: Look, I don't know. I've told you everything I can.

Detective Brandon: Everything you can or everything you know?

Emily: OMG, semantics. Are we done here? I've got a test to study for.

Detective Brandon: We're done. Thank you for your time Ms. Jugenheimer. We'll be in touch should we need any more information.

Emily: I told you, it's Em.

Detective Brandon: Good luck with the test Em.

Emily: Whatever. Laters Detective Brando.



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