11. You're Sick

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I finally managed to speak to Veronica on the phone and agreed to meet up with her at her house so we can both give out our thoughts and talk through this normally. She gave me an address to her house and told her to be there whenever I could. The address was a street I wasn't familiar with and I usually know my way around this city but this was different.

I've been driving for almost fifteen minutes now and according to the GPS I was half way there. The further I drove down, the less houses I started to see. This area was far more different from the area I lived in. There were a few stores bunched up together but the houses were barely seen. I would guess maybe she lived around one of those gated community areas.

By the time I reached the destination, my guess was exactly right. But instead of a gated community, it was one big house that took up almost all the space of the neighborhood. I pulled up to the huge concrete lot and parked my car. The walking distance from the lot to the front door was a lot. I walked past the freshly mowed lawn and onto the tiled steps. Instead of knocking, I pressed the door bell. I could hear the chiming of it from the inside and a movement of footsteps as well.

I still can't believe I dragged myself here. I'm completely speechless and didn't know what to say to her. I didn't want to speak to her but like Louis said I had to somehow convince her to not say a word about what happened between us to anyone else, especially to Sierra.

The door was open and I was face to face with her. "Nice seeing you again Michael." She greeted me with a hug that caught me off guard. She was in sweats and a tank top. Her hair was placed up in a ponytail again and the brunette color disappeared and was now platinum blonde.

"Hey.." I said with a fake smile.

"Please come in." She opened the door for me to come in. "Could you please take off your shoes, I just cleaned my floor." She instructed. I took off my shoes and placed it by the door. The inside of her house was nice, decorated in all white with plants at every corner. Everything was arranged neatly and nothing was out of place, almost as if it's never untouched.

I sat down on the couch and she joined. "I appreciate you showing your face again, I was afraid you'd completely ignore me." She picked up the cup of tea and motioned it my way, I politely denied her offer.

There was a minute of silence for a moment. She stared at me waiting for me to speak, and I stared at her hoping she'd speak first. The gap between us was so little and I could feel her sitting really close to me. By that gesture something told me she wasn't just here to talk...

"Listen Veronica.."

"I know how you feel about what happened last night and I couldn't stop thinking about it too." She said stopping me mid sentence. "I'm pretty sure you're thinking the same thing I am."

I was relieved that we were on the same page about it because I honestly didn't know how to approach the conversation without making it awkward. Half of the guilt weighing down on my body was gone.

"What are you thinking?" I asked before I could give my exact thoughts.

"Well..." she twirled the end of her hair with her index finger and held strong eye contact. "It must be a hard thing on you due to the actions you took but it can stay between us if you want." She batted her lashes.

"It stays only between us. I'm glad we both have an understanding here." I smiled. Well it looks like my job here is done. That wasn't so bad.

Before I could prepare myself to get up, she leaped her legs over me and placed herself on my lap. "Great, it could be like our little secret. No one has to know." She whispered. Just when she leaned in closer to my face I pushed her off of me. I was startled by what she was attempting to do and confused on why she would even want to do that again.

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