14. Yoga & Tension

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Veronica's POV:

"Thank you so much for agreeing to this. Not many people I know enjoy this sort of thing." She said placing the mats near the park tree that stood greatly upon the grassy hill. She wobbled her way up while she was holding her pregnant belly. I gripped her arm so I could help her balance onto her mat.

"It's no problem really. I'm just glad we're spending more time together." I formed a smile on my face.

"Me too." She said excitedly. "I'm just glad I have a reason not be in the house alone."

I chuckled, "I'm glad I came to the rescue."

"Have you done this before?" She asked, beginning to stretch. I shook my head in response. She then proceeded to show me ways to stretch out my muscles before bending. She was very clear and thorough with her instructions.

"You must do this often with Michael." I said to her.

"No he doesn't enjoy these sort of things." She replied. "He doesn't understand it at all." The way she smiled while talking about him was just making the jealously in me build up even more. I envied the fact that she could do anything she wants with him whenever she wanted. I would kill to be in her position. Not having to watch from afar would be a relief and getting to wake up next to a face like his would be a greater benefit.

"You're a very lucky girl." I said to her. She stopped stretching for a bit to look at me.

"Yeah I am aren't I?" She said. "Here let's try a different position. She stretched her right foot to the center and the other foot stretched out behind. She steadily held her arms out in a straight line and posed in that position for a while. "Now you try it."

I imitated her position. "Aside from work, is he present all the time at home?" I spoke again.

She kept her eyes closed, "Sometimes. His job takes up most of his day."

"He deserves a break don't you think?" I could tell my constant questions were distracting her from her focus. I barely had any interest in this activity one bit but I figured what better way to use this time than to collect more information I needed. Besides if I'm going to stick around for a while, I need my enemy as close I can.

"Yeah he works a lot but we need it. For the baby." She rubbed her belly. I rolled my eyes in disgust. Part of me wanted to laugh at the fact she's expecting a baby with a man who couldn't even stay loyal to her while the other part of me wonders how fast that baby would come out if she accidentally rolled down this hill right now.

"The baby is going to have wonderful parents." I said.

"Ok this next position about to be a little difficult. Give me your hands." She said. I did as I was told. She interlocked it with mine, both of our palms pressed together. She then raised it high up on the air. "I want you to balance your weight and slide yourself further back." I was confused at her instructions at first but I watched her slide herself back until she was leaning down a bit, with her hands pushing a force against mine.

"What if I drop you?" I chuckled.

"I know you wouldn't do that to me. I trust you." She responded. Oh Sierra.

"You know Michael is one of the few male friends I've ever had. People don't really get along with me very well sometimes, I'm glad you've guys taken me with open arms." I said to her.

"You're one of the first female friends he's brought home. I'm just glad he's finally friends with someone I know." She joked.

"He doesn't introduce you to his friends?" I asked. She shook her head no and I wasn't surprised one bit.

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