38. Sorry I Can't Help You

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Sierra's POV:

"Michael this isn't funny, you need to call me back." I recorded the fifth voicemail for him. It's odd how he's just ignoring me like this. He's not the type of person to ignore me without telling me his whereabouts or the reason why he decided to suddenly take a break. His last text seemed off. He said he was staying at a hotel when he already has our current house all to himself. Why would he flee from his own comfort of his home to stay at a hotel? And for what reason? Either he's completely stressed himself out to a point where he had a sudden breakdown or he's in bigger trouble then he already is.

Whatever it was, I'm worried. I'm worried about his safety and he's never ignored me for this long. I've called most of his friends and anyone else associated with him, even they don't have a clue where he could possibly be. The last thing he said to me was he was going to fix it. Didn't imply what exactly he's going to fix. He accused Veronica of emptying out most of our money from our personal account and was pretty furious about that. I was too frustrated to listen to every word he was saying because I was more angry at the fact that he lost the $3k I worked so hard to save these past couple years and I planned to use that money towards my daughter's care. I didn't know whether to believe she actually done that because it's something nearly impossible to do.

Then, that's when I had to go and threaten him with raising the alimony if I didn't receive my money from him, which was pretty careless and selfish now that I think about it. He lost his source of income and is clearly inducing himself with unwanted stress. Placing that ultimatum on him is unfair, I should've at least listened to him or worked something out. Now he's probably out planning to harm someone solely because his conscious mind is placing all of these accusations and delusions in his head and driving him to seek some sort of revenge.

There's no doubt in mind that he went after her. I do for a fact believe Veronica is dangerous. She gave me an unpleasant vibe from the start. Not to mention, a person who still manages to chase after and develop an obsessed emotional feeling for someone who doesn't have interest in them anymore is obviously not sane. She's very manipulative. She did a damn good job of hiding her real personality and intentions while going behind my back and slept with my own husband. Then breaking into our house a month after. Who knows what I person like that could do next.

I don't know what Veronica is capable of really, all I know is, there's power behind all that fake sweetness persona she puts on. If half of the things Michael is accusing her of is true, then she could cause more harm to him like digging a deeper hole for him to be in and I don't want him to fall under any traps she lays out for him. She's probably going to use whatever threat or harassment from him to get him in a place he doesn't belong. I have to find him before he ends up doing something crazy and regretful.

My mind could only resort to the last option I had left, going to the police about this. I could maybe talk to the same officer that have talked to him before, hopefully he'll help me search for him or at least have a clue where he could run off to.

"Did he answer?" I heard my father say from the other side of the bedroom door.

"He's not picking up, this isn't like him," I said, making myself even more anxious and worried. I packed up Starr's essential items and put them in the stroller. "I'm going to look for him," I said to my father.

"Why would you go look for him? Whatever mess he's caused upon himself should be his problem," my father said in a disappointed tone. "You know this is so typical of him, to disappear like this."

"He's in trouble, can you for once just care about him," I responded in defense. "You don't have to talk badly about him all the time."

"You're beating yourself up over something that shouldn't be your concern. Are you forgetting what he's done to you?" My father argued. "For gods sake Sierra, he had an affair and didn't even show up to the divorce conference, he's clearly running away from his consequences."

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