chapter 16 (Don't Judge a book by its Cover)

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Today is the day that I meet with the new girl and I'm not going to lie I'm nervous. I know that it's not even a school day but that doesn't stop people from going to work on a Saturday morning. I don't know how they do it so early, all I want to do on the weekends is sleep and eat and maybe go and watch a movie with my sister. That's an ideal weekend for most teenagers and I'm no different in that way, I may be different in other ways but not that.

I shuffle down the stairs and reach the kitchen to prepare myself a bowl of cereal. Before I can set my bowl down on the counter I feel that Roxy is pawing at my ankles telling me that she has to be let out. I open the sliding glass door and let her into our big backyard. When I walk back inside I notice that my family still isn't up and it's nearly eleven-o-clock in the afternoon. It normally doesn't take this long for my parents to get up, okay my sister could sleep in until one and that's early for her. I let my dog back in after going to the bathroom and she's, of course, got mud on her paws. I roll my eyes and get her towel so that she can walk in the house without mud being tracked on the wood floors. I bend down and wipe off every single one of her paws before she comes in the house.

As I sit and eat I wonder what today's going to be like. This could either go how I think it's going to or she could be different from what I think and go really good. I'm not going to say how I think it's going to go because I haven't met her. And yes Jake insisted that he comes even if I said it would be fine, eventually I won and he said: Okay then.

I did say that I would meet her at noon, but I want to make sure that I'm early. I finish up my bowl of cereal and walk upstairs to get ready. I get to my bedroom door and I can hear an audible scratching on the closed door that is coming from my cat. I open the door and he comes racing down the stairs. He really must be hungry.

I guess it's a good thing that I filled up his food bowl before I went to bed last night.

I step in my room and run my hand along my glossy white dresser that is cold to the touch but I don't mind. I pull open the drawers that hold all of my shirts and sweaters. After much thinking, I settle for my green cropped hoodie with a white racing stripe down the arms and some high-waisted jeans that are rolled up to the ankle. In the way of my hair, I just put my hair into two dutch braids.

When I reach the last step of the stairs I see that my mom and dad both aren't up yet. What's taking so long?

Instead of waiting I write a note on one of the post-its that are on the fridge saying that I'm going to be at the diner and that I will be back before two. With that, I'm on my bike and on my way to the diner.


The ride to the diner was a bit cooler than normal today, probably because it's a bit windy today but that doesn't stop others from riding their bikes and going out for their morning run. And I have to say that the people who run through rain or snow deserve some type of award because I know that I couldn't do that for sure. I reach the diner and lock my bike on the bike rack outside the door. As always the scent of maple syrup and milkshakes overwhelm me, but you eventually get used to the smell of this place and the sight of all of the things from when drive-in diners were popular. As a matter of fact, they still do that here in the summer and they even have the waitresses and waiters on rollerskates to get your order.

I sit down in one of the booths and am on my phone for not even five minutes when I feel someone come and sit down next to me. I don't even have to look up to know that it's Jake.

"I thought I told you not to come" I say slapping him playfully.

He raises his hand like he's surrendering to something. "I guess I just couldn't listen to that" he replies putting his hand into mine.

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