Prologue: The Spring of 1980

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May 1980

Emily's toned back hit the cold metal of a locker as soft, needy lips crashed passionately against her own. She wrapped her tan arms around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer, needing to feel his smooth, pale skin against her own. He had one rough hand tangled in her dark brown hair and the other wrapped tightly around her curvy waist, as they made out in the dimly lit hallway. Class was currently in session, so the usually bustling hallways were silent and empty; a perfect place to meet your secret boyfriend.

"If William knew-" Emily gasped for air, as they both pulled away for a quick breathe in between hungry kisses.

"He doesn't know. But maybe I want him to know. Maybe I want the world to know," He interrupted her, staring intensely into her beautiful, bright green eyes. Emily bit her swollen bottom lip as a faint pink blush rose to her cheeks. He always managed to say the right words; he was so well spoken and insightful, which she absolutely loved.

"Never leave me Jeff," Emily whispered desperately, pressing her plump lips to his once again and breathing in his delicious scent of musk and tobacco, mixed with a hint of vanilla.

He kissed her back hungrily, moaning softly at her apparent desperation for him. He loved how passionate and creative the dazzling brunette was; she always inspired him.


They kissed sweetly for another minute or so, becoming aware that the fifth period bell was scheduled to ring at any minute, and they'd have to go about their lives acting as though this didn't happen. He chuckled softly as they pulled away, and he rested both calloused hands on Emily's hips possessively.

"You know, you're the only person I'll ever let call me that," He smiled down at her, a sight she was used to, but the rest of the world didn't see often; a smile. Emily grinned back right as the obnoxious ringing of the school bell filled the halls, causing him to frown and plant one more longing kiss on the brunette girl's delicious lips.

"I love you." He whispered, before calmly pulling away as students suddenly burst out of the surrounding classrooms. No one seemed to notice that the pair hadn't been in class, they simply blended into the crowd of teenagers now.

They stared longingly into each other's sparkling eyes, before casually turning their separate ways. Emily shook her head softly to clear her foggy thoughts, but she couldn't help what she mumbled under her breath just then.

"I love you too Izzy."

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