Chapter 23: Who's Amber?

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Saturday, April 1987

Emily awoke that morning knowing she was about to have another weird day.

The day before had been the Friday that Izzy was supposedly taking care of one last job for his boss, so he could get away from drug dealing. The brunette girl had felt anxious all day long, and she still hadn't even heard from the mysterious rhythm guitarist.

Em slowly got out of bed and strolled out into the quiet apartment, and it was then that she noticed Oliver wasn't anywhere in the small living space. This was odd, because the tattooed guitarist was never usually up before noon, but he wasn't even in his bed, or the small bathroom.

Trudging to the tiny living room, Emily picked up the plastic landline phone and dialed Erin's phone number, which she almost had memorized. Axl had been staying with Erin more and more lately, so she figured that's where he would be.

If she was lucky, the brunette singer would be able to go to the Everly mansion and hang out with her older brother and his girlfriend. She wanted to just chill for the day, but unfortunately luck wasn't on Emily's side today.

When Erin answered the phone she was crying hysterically.

"Erin? What's wrong?" Emily asked immediately, listening to her brother's girlfriend's sad sobs through the phone.

"Emily?.. I... Axl.... Axl and I just got in a little fight."

It was hard for the brunette singer to even understand what Erin was saying, but she heard her brother's name and the word 'fight' and instantly understood.

Axl was a bit ill tempered at times, and not always the easiest to be around. He was an amazing man with a huge, wholesome heart, but he could become blind with anger, and that's when he was the most destructive. It had been the same way even when they were younger.

"Where is my brother?" Emily finally replied, using a soothing tone to encourage Erin to calm down. Her sobs had already become softer, and eventually faded into a weak sniffle.

"He left awhile ago... I don't know."

The brunette singer inwardly groaned; she didn't plan on chasing her red headed brother all around town today, not that she particularly had to, but Em hadn't seen Axl since the morning after the premiere.

He had been pretty ill tempered then too.

"What happened?" Emily asked. The line went completely silent after her question, as if Erin had stopped breathing all together. The brunette singer waited patiently, holding the plastic landline phone to her ear and twirling the cord between her slender fingers. After what felt like hours, her brother's girlfriend finally spoke up.

"He accused me of fucking Steven.. we argued... he left."

There was another short silence over the phone, as Emily processed this crazy answer. She knew that wasn't all that could've happened, but she wasn't going to press Erin to tell her the truth; Em could just ask her older brother.

"Well.. I'm sure you two will work it out. If he comes by, will you give me a ring?" Emily asked, as she glanced at the clock perched on her kitchen wall. It was 12:30pm on a Saturday, so Axl could be literally anywhere.

"Sure Em..."

Emily said a rushed goodbye to Erin and quickly hung up the phone. She groaned out loud, but figured she might as well get dressed and start her search for her unpredictable brother.

Quite honestly, Emily didn't want to be at the apartment whenever Oliver got back. He had been acting strange ever since the brunette singer caught him with the MTV video jockey, Martha. It was almost like the tattooed guitarist was awkwardly avoiding Em, and she was beginning to wonder if their friendship could ever go back to the way it used to be.

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