Chapter 21: Tension Among Friends

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Sunday, April 1987

The morning after the premiere was rough, to say the least.

Emily woke up with a pounding headache, which was expected after a long night of drinking, smoking, and sneaking off to do the occasional line of cocaine with Slash. The curly haired guitarist was trustworthy and willing to snort blow in secrecy; therefore it was decided that he was the only one Em would use drugs with.

Did she feel like a huge hypocrite? Yes. Was she going to shove that feeling away and ignore it? Yes. It's not like it was an everyday thing... so that's okay right?

The small bedroom that the hungover brunette singer was sleeping in was unfamiliar to her. She had never seen the pastel pink walls and bright white bedsheets tangled around her. Lifting up the white comforter slowly, Emily sighed in relief to see she was still completely dressed. Her black dress was wrinkled and scrunched up around her waist after being slept in, but at least she was dressed.

Eventually the brunette girl composed herself and managed to look somewhat presentable, so she could go search the lavish house for signs of life.

There were soft voices coming from down the long, spiraling stairs, so Emily ventured to the spacey first level of the house. She turned a corner into what was apparently the kitchen, and breathed out a sigh of relief when she noticed Erin and Axl leaning up casually against the white counter top.

"Em! You're up!" Erin exclaimed, offering her a sweet smile as she sipped a cup of hot coffee. She was wearing a lavender colored silk robe, with her wavy brown hair pulled back into an elegant bun. Erin looked stunning as usual, while Emily looked as though she just finished the 'walk of shame'.

"Who's house is this? How did I get here?" Emily asked, rubbing her temples and praying for her awful headache to magically vanish.

Axl chuckled in his low, baritone voice, "This is Erin's place. Everyone got absolutely blitzed last night."

Emily took a moment to observe her lavish surroundings better, taking notice of the white, marble counter tops and shiny, tiled floor. There was a medium sized chandelier hanging above the kitchen island, illuminating everything in a soft, white light. Everything was extravagant and spotless, with not a single speck of dust on any polished surface.

"This is your house?" The pretty brunette asked incredulously, turning to face Erin with wide, awestruck eyes. Erin let out a cute little giggle, while Axl just rolled his dark green eyes in amusement.

"Well it's my dad's house. He's out of town for the weekend."

Just then, Steven came bouncing into the beautiful kitchen. His fluffy blonde hair was messy and sticking up in spots, probably because he had just gotten out of bed, unless he hadn't even went to bed; cocaine was a hell of a drug.

"Erin do you have any cereal? I'm starving!" The GnR drummer exclaimed with a beaming smile. Erin nodded in faint amusement, and began pulling out a clean bowl and some different cereal boxes.

"That party last night was bitchin Em!" Steven turned to the brunette singer as Erin fixed him a bowl of cereal, like a mother and her young child.

"Thanks Stevie. I don't remember much after Slash spilled his drink all over Richie Sambora," Emily giggled at the drunken memory, making Steven, Axl and Erin all cackle a bit too. She really didn't remember much of the night after that comical event though, and that was at about 1:00am.

"Me either," Erin mumbled, pushing a full bowl of Waffelos with whole milk towards the blonde drummer. He excitably snatched the bowl of cereal up into his calloused hands, and scurried into the living room to switch on the boxy tv.

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