Chapter 28: Sibling Bonding

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Sunday, June 1987

Emily wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her dainty hand, as she sat cross legged on the carpeted floor of her apartment. The apartment wouldn't be her's for much longer; her lease was up the week after Simple Misconceptions was scheduled to leave for tour, so Em was packing up everything she wasn't going to take on tour, to put into storage.

It was surreal, really.

The brunette singer had spent the last two years in this dinky little apartment. This is where they wrote their first full length album Decadent Destruction, this is where the band had spent many long nights just drinking and laughing; this is where Izzy had kissed her for the first time since reuniting, right in her tiny bathroom.

She wasn't one to get attached to a place, but this apartment had been a huge turning stone in her life. At one point, her and Oliver had been stealing money from hookers and selling weed just to pay rent, now by the time tour is over, they will both be able to afford their own massive, rockstar style houses in Redondo Beach. Em was so excited to move onto the next anticipated chapter of her life, but she would definitely be going out of her way to walk by this apartment building every now and then, just to reminisce.

Emily didn't have a lot of stuff, mostly books, records and cassettes that she was currently stacking into a moving box. It was hard not to reminisce when packing, and that's exactly what she was doing as she sorted and boxed up each individual item.

She gently picked up her Prince cassette, which was an old gift from Jordan; the dark haired bassist loved pop music, Emily and him were always singing along to Madonna, Prince and even Cyndi Lauper. Popping the cassette into her player, she smiled as 'Let's Go Crazy' engulfed the small space around her.

One of the last cassettes she set in the moving box was an oldie, and it made butterflies flutter in her stomach, just like when she had first gotten it. It was Rumours by Fleetwood Mac, the cassette Izzy had given her so many years ago. She absentmindedly rubbed her thumb over the clear plastic to remove any dust, reminiscing on the day the handsome guitarist gave it to her. There was a part of her that missed being that young, naive girl that was secretly in love with her brother's best friend. She was still secretly in love of course, but everything had changed in the past six years; they weren't sneaking kisses on the ride to school and in the back of empty classrooms anymore. More like, they were fucking for the sake of a rock n roll album and having to leave each other for prolonged tours.

"Are you seriously listening to Prince?"

Emily's heart practically jumped out of her chest, and she whipped around to find her older brother standing with his tattooed arms crossed, wearing an amused smirk as a cigarette hung limply from his full lips.

"What the hell William! Ever heard of knocking?"

"It's not my fault you're too deaf to hear the door open," Axl chuckled, strolling over to have a seat on the couch right by where Emily was sitting on the floor and ash his cigarette in the tray on the coffee table, "And stop fucking calling me that."

"Whatever," The brunette girl mumbled, stuffing the Fleetwood Mac cassette in the moving box with the rest of her stuff, "What're you doing here anyway?"

"The guys were pissing me off and Erin is still mad at me."

The brunette girl grimaced, thinking back to the other night at the Appetite For Destruction premiere. When she had left, Erin was still sobbing and trying to throw things across the table at Adrianna, who was also sobbing by then. It was heartbreaking to watch, no one had never seen Erin so crazy and violent, and eventually Adrianna had to sneak out by herself to get away. Emily had to help Slash stop Steven from swinging on the red headed singer, before everyone decided to just leave in an attempt to defuse the out of control situation.

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