Chapter 1: Reunited

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Friday, November 1986

"Cmon shit head let's bounce!"

Izzy looked up lazily from his rhythmic strumming, rolling his hazel eyes at the tall blonde bassist that stood by the front door expectantly. That blonde bassist, Duff, was waiting for Axl, who finally chose a suitable outfit for the night's planned adventures.

He turned his attention back to the shiny black guitar in his lap, feeling bored with the boys childish antics. Axl ran his ring clad fingers through his long red hair, flicking it behind his back before turning to face the bored guitarist.

"That means you too Stradlin."

When Izzy glanced up this time, both the tall, blonde bassist and the red headed singer stared intently at him, wearing matching smirks that just screamed trouble.

"Pass," The raven haired guitarist breathed, his hazel colored eyes observing the annoyed expressions on his best friend's face. Axl was wearing skin tight leather pants, with a cut off white t-shirt and dirty, worn combat boots. Multiple rings and various bracelets finished his rocker look, a style that the cocky singer pulled off quite well, even as he stood before Izzy with a displeased frown.

"Cmon Iz don't be fucking lame, we want to see this band that everyone on the strip has been buzzing about," Duff insisted, strolling over to the tattered couch Izzy resided on and plopping down on the arm of it. His teased blonde hair bounced with the bassist's every movement as he gushed on about this new band, and Izzy found himself eventually sighing in defeat.


Duff smiled his wide, crooked smile and patted Izzy on the back as he stood up from the arm of the old couch. His worn cowboy boots clacked as he walked back over to his spot by the door, waiting for the final person joining them on the night's anticipated adventure.

"Bitchin. The singer is a chick, I wanna see if she's as smokin as everyone says," Axl winked with a dirty smirk, making Izzy roll his eyes again as he lazily stood from the couch and stretched out.

"Are you dill holes ready?" Slash stumbled out of one of the back rooms, throwing a bare arm around Duff's shoulder as he wore a big, goofy grin. Izzy couldn't help but chuckle lightly; he may not have known his band mates for a long time, except Axl of course, but they already had a feeling of family.

Although, he'd never say that mushy shit out loud.

Four out of five members of Guns N Roses marched out of the dirty, cramped apartment and down the active Sunset Strip, looking for an alcohol fueled night of craziness.

Emily strolled through the loud, bustling club known as The Whiskey A Go-Go with determination. She held her head up confidently, allowing her long, chocolate brown hair to spill down her back in subtle curls as she walked through crowds of party goers. Men attempted to earn her attention, but she ignored every single one of them and kept her pretty green eyes on her target: the bar.

Strutting right up to the busy bar top, Emily leaned her elbows on the counter top and bat her long lashes at the handsome young bartender.

"Three bottles of Jack Daniels please," She purred, watching the bartender eye her up and down with wide eyes and a nervous grin. Her smirk widened, loving the affect she had on this poor, innocent young bartender. He nodded at her without complaint, and hastily went about collecting the booze she had asked for.

"That sure is a lot of whiskey for such a small woman."

Emily glanced to her right at the sound of a deep voice, and was soon met with intrigued green eyes.

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