Chapter 36: On Tour- New York City

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Saturday, September 1987

Tonight, Emily was doing something that she didn't usually do.

She was going with Matt, Tommy, Vince and Nikki to a popular strip club in New York City; The Cathouse.

It was their only night off until their show tomorrow, so Emily decided she wanted to let loose and really enjoy herself for the night. She had just gotten off the phone with Axl and Izzy, who both left for the Guns N Roses tour last week. It would be harder for them to communicate now, but she didn't want to think about any of that tonight, it would only depress her.

The Cathouse was alive and buzzing when they arrived, and they were immediately escorted to a private booth in the back of the popular club, except for Vince, who had already managed to find a girl.

The lights were dim, except for the bright spotlights illuminating the stage, where a blonde dancer was currently twirling around the shiny stripper pole. The rock n roll music was blaring, playing all of the current top hits for the strippers to dance to. The group slide into their cushioned booth, with the brunette singer getting stuck in the middle.

Emily glanced over at Matt and Tommy, who were practically drooling as three barely dressed girls approached the table. It was like taking little boys into a candy shop, and they hadn't even been there long enough to order drinks yet.

"Hey," The one in the middle spoke up first; a short Latina girl with long wavy hair, "Aren't you Tommy Lee?"

"And Matt Nicholls!" The blonde on the end exclaimed, making both drummers perk up in excitement. Emily rolled her pretty green eyes and nudged Nikki beside her, who was blocking her from exiting the booth.

"Let me out. I need a fucking drink."

Nikki tore his lustful gaze away from the stage and smirked down at the pretty brunette girl, wearing his usual cocky expression.

"I'll go with you."

The raven haired bassist led the way to the bustling bar, ignoring the occasional fan that recognized the greasy Motley Crue member. He managed to snatch two shots off of a passing shot girl's tray, and handed one down to Emily. She threw the drink back and let the alcohol burn her throat as it went down; was it vodka? Maybe rum? She didn't care at this point.

With the power of intimidation, Nikki managed to get them to the front of the bar top, then he glanced down at her with playful, sparkling green eyes.

"What can I get you m'lady?"

"I'll drink whatever you're drinking," She shouted over the music, earning a raised brow from the handsome bassist. He seemed to be in a really good mood that day, after being distant and reclusive the past week.

"Jack Daniels it is."

When they returned to the VIP booth, Matt and Tommy were no where to be seen, but Vince was sitting there making out with a skinny blonde stripper. They ignored the blonde singer and slipped back into the cushioned bench, while Nikki flicked the cap off the Jack Daniels bottle.

He chugged a good amount of the strong whiskey, and passed the bottle to Emily. Nikki knew he should be focusing on the strippers that were desperate for some attention, but instead he watched the brunette girl beside him throw back the alcohol like only rockstars could.

The raven haired bassist had been trying to distance himself from Emily, but it was easier said than done; especially when she was cool enough to come to the strip club and chug Jack Daniels with them.

"You haven't found any interesting girls yet?" Emily asked when she passed the whiskey bottle back over, noticing how Nikki's intense eyes seemed to follow her, more than they followed the half naked strippers. The alcohol was already beginning to have an effect on her, and she welcomed the warm feeling.

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