Chapter 12: Get In The Ring

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Sunday, February 1987

The Hell House was very familiar with  having frequent visitors, whether that meant other rockstars, young party goers, or strippers; they were used to people knocking on their front door.

However, that didn't mean they were prepared for the shit storm that was about to brew.

A rare occasion, all four Guns N Roses members that lived in the run down house happened to be there at the same time that morning. Izzy, Slash, Duff and Steven were scattered throughout the small cluttered space, when an aggressive knock came sounding from the front door.

"Cops?" Steven mouthed, turning to a sleepy Slash with fear behind his tired blue eyes. Slash simply shrugged his shoulders from his spot on the living room floor, silently saying that he had no idea who was there. No one else said a word as the determined pounding continued, they just stared wide eyed at one another, unsure of what to do.

"I'll get it. Probably another groupie that can't take a hint," Duff chuckled, standing up from the messy floor and stretching out. He had to step over his slumped bandmates and various empty bottles of liquor to reach the door, but when he did he swung it open mid knock.


Oliver stood there shaking; he looked super thin and sickly, but that didn't stop him from pushing past Duff's tall figure and barging in. The hate and anger that radiated from the furious guitarist was enough to keep everyone silent, as they watched Oliver's hazel eyes dart around the cluttered room in search of someone specific.


His gaze locked in on a certain raven haired guitarist, and he stormed over to Izzy, who was sitting on the tattered couch with his legs propped up and a cigarette hanging from his lips.

Before Izzy could even respond, Oliver was sending his tightly clenched fist into the GNR guitarist's handsome face, causing everyone to hastily jump up from their scattered sleeping positions and watch the scene with tired eyes.

"You told her didn't you asshole?!" Oliver brought his tattooed arm back so he could throw another punch at Izzy's face, but the raven haired guitarist was ready for it this time.

He recovered quickly from the first blow and stood up, pushing Oliver a few steps back before he could swing again. Izzy could feel his eye pulsing painfully from the punch, but ignored the minor injury as both guitarist's glared each other down.

"Oh get bent. She already knew. You look like shit. You look like a god damn junkie," Izzy was shouting already, while everyone stayed stiffly watching the scene with wide, confused eyes. Duff was already sipping from a half empty bottle of vodka, as if it were popcorn at the drive in theater.

"She's been avoiding me all weekend. I know that's not just a coincidence. She was with you Friday at that coffee place."

Steven and Duff looked confused, because they had no idea what the two guitarists were currently shouting about. Slash however, was keeping up with the conversation just fine; he knew about Izzy's secret love for Emily, and he also knew about Oliver's not so secret love of drugs.

"Maybe it's because you yelled at her in the middle of the fucking street. Or maybe it's because you're lying about all the smack you've been doing. Don't blame me man," Izzy lowered his tone back to his cool, calm and collected demeanor. Oliver however was still raging; he hadn't gotten his fix that morning, so any little thing could send him over the edge.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Steven piped up, looking between both guitarists with a brow raised curiously, as Oliver's gaze fell on the confused blonde drummer.

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