Chapter 15: A Day In Santa Monica (I)

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Tuesday, March 1987

As Emily arrived at the studio that morning with her drummer Matt by her side, she couldn't help but grumble angrily to herself. Simple Misconception's debut album was scheduled to release in early April, according to their manager Doc. What that meant, now that it was March 1st, was that the pressure was really on to finish.

"It'll be okay Em..." Matt assured his stressed out singer, "We can finish Rehab at least, you said you finished it right?"

"We're missing our lead guitarist.." Emily mumbled in response, feeling her irritation rising. She hadn't seen Oliver since they argued a few days ago, he had missed more recording sessions than he had actually attended, and it made his bandmates feel helplessly frustrated.

"I'm sure he will be at the meeting though, Doc said it was important."

They approached the wide double doors to the studio, where their bass player Jordan stood casually smoking a cigarette. They stopped outside the glass doors, and Emily pulled out a Marlboro cigarette of her own.

"Hey mates," Jordan greeted them, exhaling a thick cloud of smoke into the LA air above him, "No Oli today?"

Emily scoffed bitterly, glancing at her short haired bassist from the corner of her eye. Jordan chuckled knowingly at her pissed off expression, and used his burning cigarette to light hers. They smoked in comfortable silence outside of the studio, until Matt practically gasped.

"Speak of the Devil...."

Emily glanced in the direction Matt was nodding his head and instantly stiffened. There was their lead guitarist, walking almost hurriedly in his bandmate's direction. The LA sun was rising, making Oliver's silhouette glow in its bright orange and pink hues.

He looked surprisingly more put together than when the brunette singer had last seen him about a few days ago; his shaggy brown hair was clean and styled, and his attire was more thought out than his usual faded t-shirt and dirty jeans.

"Hey guys!" Oliver called out, even though they were already staring at him. His three bandmates stayed silent until he was standing right in front of them, his hazel eyes looking more alive than they have in months.

"What's up Oli?" Matt greeted the tattooed guitarist first, giving him a friendly pat on the back and a crooked smile. Jordan nodded his head to acknowledge Oliver, while Emily kept the scowl on her pretty face. Oliver had an apologetic expression as he turned to his best friend, but before he could get a word out the wide, studio doors swung open.

"Good you're all here! Let's get inside shall we?" Their manager Doc looked relieved to see the band. He ushered them into the building quickly, before hastily leading them down a narrow hallway to a meeting room that they had been in a few times before.

"Okay guys.. and girl. These men are the owners of Elektra records. We're here to talk about the album."

Emily and her band took seats at the long table, where three men in gray suits sat with matching smirks. The brunette girl personally hated these business meetings, it made her feel like a money making machine and not a human being who simply wanted to make music.

"Good morning, Simple Misconceptions," One of the men in gray suits said formally, leaning his elbows onto the glossy table, "As you know, your album is debuting April 8th. Do you have a name for it yet?"

"Decadent Destruction," Matt piped up, earning an approving nod from all three men in suits. Doc was staying quiet for the most part, he himself didn't even know what was planned for this meeting.

"Good. Now, with an album, comes a tour of course. We are going to be searching for a band you can tour with, and we'd like to get you guys on the road as early as July."

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