Chapter 49: Used To Love Her

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Sunday, March 1988

"Your boyfriend is here."

And with those bitter words Nikki was swiftly out of sight, leaving Emily standing alone in her hallway, as she attempted to peek out through the front door that the upset bassist had left wide open.

Sure enough, Izzy quickly pushed his way into the house, and stopped in his tracks as soon as his tired hazel eyes spotted the brunette girl's figure.

He didn't say anything for awhile, as if he was scared she would step forward and slam the door in his face, like she had done in response to his previous attempts to talk. The current tension within the foyer was undeniable, but neither of them knew what to say first.

"Emily..." The guitarist finally whispered her name longingly, noticing the the vulnerable look in her green eyes as they softened considerably.

Emily didn't say a single word, she didn't have time as she was hastily sprinting down the remainder of the hallway, throwing herself into Izzy's unsuspecting figure.

He stumbled back a bit from the force of her body, but he quickly recovered. Immediately his thin, tattooed arms wrapped tightly around the brunette singer's curvy waist, pulling her as close to his warm body as possible.

He had been waiting to hold her again for what felt like eternity, although Izzy agreed that he had deserved it, after the awful thing he said about Oliver.

"I missed you so fucking much," The rhythm guitarist whispered into Emily's thick, chocolate colored locks of hair, as he inhaled her sweet, familiar scent. It felt like home, being wrapped up in each other's comforting embrace.

"I'm sorry," She admitted weakly, instantly earning a soft shush from Izzy.

"Don't be sorry... I'm an asshole. I should have never said any of that.." He squeezed Em tighter as he apologized, hoping that he would never have to experience that miserable, lonely time without her again. There was a tinge of guilt that hit Emily though, as she thought about Nikki's distraught expression; his words were lingering in her mind.

"Nikki's been staying here."

The brunette girl blurted the words out before she could even consider the consequences, feeling her pretty face heat up instantly as Izzy pulled back like he had been stung. His intense hazel eyes stared at Emily, observing her guilty expression and her beautiful green eyes.

Gently, the rhythm guitarist raised his calloused hand to Em's flushed face, and cupped her cheek in his palm. Hearing that his girl had been spending her time with Nikki hurt, but it was something he was already aware of; Izzy was very observant.

"Do you love him?" He whispered after a long moment of silence, feeling sickened at the potential answer, although he kept his expression relatively blank.

Emily was taken aback not just by the question, but by the soft, heartbroken way Izzy asked it. He always tried hard to hide his emotions, but the brunette girl was the one person who could read him like an open book.

"No," She finally whispered back, adverting her gaze to the tiled floor of her foyer, "Not like I love you... never, like I love you."

Izzy almost frowned, because he understood the exact meaning being Emily's quiet, hesitant words; of course she loved Nikki Sixx, just not in the same, intense way that she loved the GnR guitarist. But love was still love, and he hated the mere idea of sharing the brunette girl's affection or attention with any other man.

Izzy's silence made Emily's heart clench, because she knew that wasn't the answer he was looking for. She couldn't deny her feelings for Nikki, no matter how unwanted they were; but it was the truth, that her love for the Motley Crue bassist was incomparable to her true love for Izzy.

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