Chapter 22: I Want My MTV

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Tuesday, April 1987

One day.

That's how long it took for MTV to reach out to Doc, and request an interview with the hottest new band, Simple Misconceptions.

Emily knew the music industry wasn't always exactly 'fair', but she still felt bad that it had been only herself and Oliver that MTV requested to come. What's a band without the bass and rhythm? Although Jordan and Matt hadn't really cared, Jordan likes to keep to himself, and Matt just goes with the flow, Em still felt like the whole band should've came.

The brunette singer was still extremely excited, especially as she sat backstage in the studio and admired her sexy, rock n roll outfit. Black leather pants with black heeled boots, a white shoulder-less top that showed off her tan skin, and of course a lot of shiny, silver bangles and various other pieces of jewelry.

Oliver sat on the other side of the spacey dressing room; the nicest dressing room they've ever seen, that was for sure. The tattooed guitarist was sipping a beer that the MTV staff had provided, watching his brunette best friend with amusement as Em brushed imaginary dust off of her leather pants. She was nervous, that much was obvious when she started tapping her thigh with her slender fingers: one of the brunette's many nervous habits.

Being on TV was nerve racking, but the anxiety Emily felt was mostly from her distracted thoughts about Izzy, and what Erin had said to her the other day.

Although the raven haired guitarist had walked her home that day, Em hadn't brought up the curious topic of this Amber person; she was almost scared to find out what made Erin seemingly despise Izzy. Emily had just begun finally accepting her deep feelings for the rhythm guitarist, and she was terrified of getting hurt. She kept telling herself that she knew Izzy, but Em had been seriously heartbroken by him once before, and that made her feel uneasy.

Izzy had known that something was troubling the pretty brunette girl, but he didn't want to push her to talk about it. Although the glimpse of doubt in her beautiful green eyes made his stomach tie in knots.

"They're about to go live, are you two ready?" Doc peeked his balding head into the dressing room, looking satisfied as both musicians nodded excitably and followed him out of the room.

"Now remember... no talking about doing drugs, try to control the curse words, and BEHAVE!" Doc lectured the pair, turning around to glance specifically at at Emily, "Elektra hasn't forgotten the little stunt you pulled at the premiere. You're lucky the album is already doing good."

"Elektra can bite me," The pretty brunette singer mumbled, rolling her pretty green eyes at her annoying manager. The record label could kiss her ass for all she cared, and if the interviewer asked her about Elektra, Em certainly wasn't going to lie.

Soon they stepped onto the bustling MTV set, and Emily instinctively froze in place, watching the overwhelming chaos around her.

There were people rushing around in every direction to help finish setting up last minute details. There were men with boom mics and clipboards, and someone was even carrying a bulky, plastic palm tree for whatever reason. The audience seats were filled completely, a few fans even cheered enthusiastically as soon as Oli and Em had stepped into view; the brunette singer hadn't realized the interview would be filmed in front of  a live audience, but fuck it.

The walls were painted to look like they were made of brick, which made the whole MTV set appear dingy, grungy and perfect for rock n roll. There was a chair and a black leather couch set up in the middle, which is where they would have the interview Em assumed.

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