Chapter 43: MTV Music Awards (II)

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Sunday, January 1988

Emily ran off the bright stage with Guns N Roses in tow; she was smiling like crazy despite everything going on, until she realized her manager, Doc, was standing there with his arms crossed and a distinct frown on his pudgy face.

Someone handed her a water bottle and she eagerly took it, managing to chug half the bottle before her manager decided to speak his mind. The brunette girl was exhausted from the exhilarating performances, and she still had to sit through the rest of the award show, so she was not in the mood for Doc's unsolicited attitude.

"What the hell was that?!"

"A kickass performance?" Emily answered sarcastically, giving her manager a bit of sass before she finished off the rest of her water bottle. Doc huffed and moved his rough hands to rest on his hips, like he was a scolding dad.

"You didn't tell me anything about that! You're not suppose to fucking do that!"

"Why?" Emily asked, noticing how Guns N Roses was currently being ushered off to go back to their assigned table, which was bound to happen to the brunette singer too in a minute. Izzy glanced over his shoulder at her, his hazel eyes full of longing as their own manager forced the band out the door.

Doc looked flustered, his round face turning red as he struggled with something to say. Emily didn't understand why he had been acting so... odd lately, like a father almost. He was constantly trying to tell her what to do and who to talk to, it was exhausting.

"Just join SM at the table please. They're about to start announcing winners," Doc finally said, rubbing his scruffy face in an exasperated manner. Emily rolled her pretty green eyes but didn't bother arguing with Doc, instead she pushed past her balding manager so she could change out of her stage clothes before heading to the table.

By the time the brunette girl managed to find her band's assigned table, the next performance was already coming on; a short set by none other than Bon Jovi.

She took a seat next to Oliver, with Jordan on the other side of the tattooed guitarist. Oli appeared a bit pale and sleepy, but Emily figured it was because of the two fifths of Jack Daniels her band mate had managed to drink already.

He had been drinking a lot lately, something that she had noticed while living at his apartment. Oli had quite the tolerance for alcohol.

She soon focused her attention on the huge stage; the bright spotlight was right on Jon Bon Jovi in his frill jacket, as he began singing the opening lines to 'Runaway'.

Emily noticed how Richie Sambora stayed clear of the right side of the stage, where Simple Misconception's table was, and she smirked at that. She must have really embarrassed him.

Soon her bright green eyes began to wander, observing the large, packed venue with slight disinterest. She was looking for one thing, or one person in particular, but much to her disappointment, Guns N Rose's assigned table was on the other side of the stage's runway.

Jon Bon Jovi came running down the runway as he passionately sung into his microphone, blocking Emily's faint view of the tables on the other side. 

Sitting back in her hard seat, the brunette girl huffed and jutted her plump bottom lip out in a pout as she instinctively rubbed at her guitar pick necklace. She didn't want to sit through this boring award show if she couldn't sit through it with Izzy.

Who assigned these seats anyway?

Jordan noticed his lead singer's disappointed expression and chuckled to himself, sliding down a full glass of red wine to the brunette girl. She took the glass eagerly and gave her dark haired bassist a grateful expression, before chugging a bit of the dry red wine.

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