Chapter 29: V-Live

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Jennie's Pov:
"This suspense is killing me..." Hoseok whined. "More like making me feel like I wanna throw up!" Wendy exclaimed. Currently, all members of BTS, Red Velvet and BLACKPINK were in the same room. We sat on a huge couch as a computer stood in front of us on a table. Yesterday, Yoongi, Yeri, Lisa, and Taehyung confessed everything toward our CEOs. They never told us what their responses were but, they only said to look out for a live stream tomorrow. The expressions on their faces, I couldn't decipher at all. Were they wearing a mask to hide their sadness? Were they wearing a mask to surprise us with happiness? Who knows. But, it was scary to think about as well as trying to guess. "Did they tell us what time it will be at?" Namjoon asked, leaning against the couch. "No, they just said to wait for a text message that will arrive at all of us," I replied, checking my phone. Zero notifications. I put my phone on its 'sound' option and put it on the table. Everyone did the same as I heard the noises come out from the phones. They all made a soft clanking sound as they hit the table and we all sighed as we leaned back. "Do you guys wanna bet before the live stream starts?" Irene asked, suddenly. "I guess..." I spoke, shrugging. "Who thinks the four did it and will tell the truth?" Irene exclaimed. I rose my hand up along with Seokjin and we just so happened to be the only two people who rose our hands. I covered my face with my two palms as I blushed intensely. Am I having false hope for this plan? "Who thinks the four failed?" She asked once again and the rest of them held up their hand.

Am I really having false hope? I need to stop! "The level of hope and positivity just shows in this room! Hoseok mockingly exclaimed. This was pretty pathetic to look at and hear. Was it even worth it to lie? Who knows. Perhaps, I am just overreacting. We all suddenly hear our phones bing and I grabbed mine quickly. A text message notification that is coming from...Lisa! "V-Live, go to V-Live quickly, they're starting!" Jungkook exclaimed as he turned off his phone once he was done reading the text message.

Seokjin nodded and went onto the computer to type in 'V-Live'. Once we logged into an account, we immediately went to find BTS' homepage for this site. They clicked on the video that showed that it just started to air. "Okay! Okay! Everyone shut up, we need to hear this!" I yelled out and everyone nodded quickly. Their eyes quickly glued to the computer screen as the video started to load and lag. The video showed an empty bedroom and soon enough, Lisa and Yeri came into the scene. The comments were already flooded with, well, comments. Most asked why Lisa and Yeri were here. They aren't from BTS, whatsoever.

"Hello, everyone. I am Yeri from Red Velvet!" Yeri spoke, bowing slightly. "Hey, I am Lisa from BLACKPINK," Lisa spoke, bowing slightly as well. "We must talk to you about something important. Specifically, the dating that we have been involved in." Lisa explained, crossing her arms as she looked away. "Now, as you know, I am dating Yoongi while Lisa is dating Taehyung. Right?" Yeri asked. They stayed silent as they looked at the comments that were just blowing up. "Many of you say yes but, unfortunately, you are wrong," Lisa spoke as she looked at Yeri.

They both nod and sigh. "That dating we did. Those dates, kisses, and hugs...those were all fake. I am sorry to say that. I am sorry that we admitted that we lied to you all. I am extremely sorry that we tricked you all!" Lisa exclaimed, her tone almost breaking. "We only did it because Yoongi and Taehyung needed to cover up the scandal they faced. Yet, the more we went through it, the more we felt broken about it." Yeri explained, looking down. "Now, that you know our side of the story..." Lisa mumbled.

They both stood and they were seen to be motioning someone to come near. Soon enough, they switched their spots with Yoongi and Taehyung who held hands as they sat down. "Hello, I am Suga," Yoongi spoke, bowing down. "I'm V or Taehyung," Taehyung spoke, bowing down slightly as well. "And what the girls said is true. Now, we didn't force them to fake date us, it was our companies who did. A new rule that makes us have to fake date when a scandal like ours is a little too hectic." Yoongi explained, his left hand grasping tightly at his right arm.

"We are sorry for lying to you but, we didn't have many choices available. But, as another apology, we will tell you the truth." Taehyung spoke, looking at Yoongi. The smaller visibly swallowed as he looked at his boyfriend. Everyone in the room held our breath. This was it. This was the moment of truth. "Yoongi and I have been dating for a few months now. We were just scared to tell you." Taehyung admitted, showing their linked hands. "We were extremely scared to be judged, the center of disappointment, and being disgusted to look at," Yoongi explained, looking down.

"Oh, don't worry, love. We told the truth now so, we don't have to live those fears for a little while longer." Taehyung spoke, landing a kiss on Yoongi's forehead. "But, yes, Taehyung and I are boyfriends for many months. So, yes, we are gay, keep exiting!" Yoongi exclaimed, sassy as he hugged Taehyung. The rest of the live stream was just laughter that came from both them, Yeri, and Lisa. "They are happy again..." I mumbled. They were laughing and smiling once again. This time it wasn't fake.

It was as real as this confession that had finally happened.

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