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My brother was in the streets a lot, not that that defined him because he was very intelligent, very outgoing, a good negotiator when the time was right, very well mannered, and funny as hell.  He was ADHD also and him being labeled that ever since he was a child gave people a different insight on him before actually getting to know him. Society saw him as a threat, not a young bright man who was a father. Angles come in all disguises no matter the ethnicity shape or form of anyone or thing living.

I guess when the Lord says it is time for you to come home, it's time for you to come home and that's something I had to also understand and accept. Over the years from the help of God, my loving and caring boyfriend, my kids, and the conversation I had with my brother, helped me come back to reality with myself. It made me think to myself and open my eyes to see that I did not want that for myself, staying in denial nor would my brother would have wanted this for me. I picked myself back up, went back to school and worked my ass off like I never did before. Even though I was behind a grade, I still graduated with a 2.80 GPA in the year of 2018 being my school's first valedictorian. 

I then went to UMA ultimate medical academy to pursue the rest of my dreams which was at the time a Medical administrative assistant diploma

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I then went to UMA ultimate medical academy to pursue the rest of my dreams which was at the time a Medical administrative assistant diploma. I accomplished that in the year of 2019 finishing with a total amount of 38 credits to transfer with. I've ALWAYS wanted to help people being that I feel in my heart that this was my purpose in some way shape or form. That is why I communicate with people the way I do. I like being able to make someone's day without even knowing it.

   Being that I wasn't able to help my brother hurt me to the core

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   Being that I wasn't able to help my brother hurt me to the core. I felt like even though I was in school to become a medical administrative assistant not exactly the appropriate field of study to help someone surgically. I just still wish that I could have done something to help him before this all came about. I felt like I could have helped him mentally or put him with the right people who could. Only if I could have been able to speak with him and gave him the knowledge that I know now.  Being able to have the opportunity to make a change in someone else's life makes me feel like I have a purpose on this earth.  I can prevent another family from going through what I have gone through, once I'm dedicated I'm dedicated. I seek to finish what I've completed efficiently.   

I'm only 22 years old trying to seek wisdom. I feel like I've gone through enough to get me to the mindset that I am at now, a different stage in my life. Even though I am still learning myself I respect my struggle way more now.  People are praying to get and think like how and where I am at now. Even me at one point which I am not being boastful about but which I am quite grateful for because I am not using my blessings and me generally being a good human being in a negative way. I've always wanted to help people I am humble but also still learning myself.  I know people are looking up to me so I move a certain way not only for other people but for my daughter, son, and younger sister as well. Me making a positive impact means the world to me I would rather lead the right way than a negative way. Rather they admit it or not I see it through people's work the way they talk their energy, The way they change their mindset after speaking with me a within type of intuition.  This is great because as I also stated earlier change is not always bad but keeping your inner self protected is a priority as well.

Learning the universe is AMAZING because you then get to Also experience people's energies. which can be very scary but interesting as well,  that will give you an outlook on people's true intentions towards you. Not only their energies but verbal and body languages as well are some of the things you have to take into consideration when looking at people's true intentions towards you. Being blind to any situation is a death wish and unnecessary time wasted on your end, making it poor spirit hygiene to ignore your intuition. You might not know right then and there because you have more learning to do, everyone is at their own pace.  Their own blessings as well but being observant and putting yourself first should always be your number one priority when it comes to you being happy and at peace.

Protect yourself and your energy so that you can also prosper at your full potential. Having negative energy around you constantly can block your blessings, withholding you from your goal and victory. what's for you will not lower your vibration but will build it. The Lord places people in your life for two reasons you learning a lesson or you receiving a blessing. Don't prolong people in your life that's only supposed to be temporary. Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirit to see whether they are from God. 

Being aware is logical thinking to me it is very important to be enlightened in today's society. 
And to not be blind with what's in front of our eyes we as the people need to use what we have to make a positive message and impact no matter the situation, Prospering becoming a better version of ourselves while relaying the message.

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