Chapter 16

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Trying to find your passion/gift can be very discouraging at TIMES. The reason I say that is because we as people tend to look for our gift in other areas we lack or are blindsided to due to money. (not having enough of something). For example, going to school for 8-12 long years to become a doctor, you would EXPECT for people to enjoy what they are doing considering the years they've spent in school and also because it would be something that would come easy to them. 

A lot of people are now just doing it for the money the second most paid career in the world is a surgical doctor anesthesiologist being the first. A surgical doctor makes 255,110 a year and that's just being their Average salary. Making my point is that a lot of people tend to go to school for careers they don't even enjoy but only doing it for the money. which causes them to not like their profession 15 years later or going a different route as far as careers due to the overwhelming exhaustion.

Looking for your inner gift has always been Easy to locate you just have to OPEN YOUR EYES. The Lord placed it somewhere so close in you or near you that you couldn't miss it your just so happening to look over it. I have always known what I wanted to do as a person, I wanted to help people I just didn't know where to start or which route to take.

Writing, speaking, and mentoring young females like myself who have gone through or are having trouble with life itself. I have always tried to be there for people to uplift them and encourage them to do better because it is always more to life than what you are going through at the moment.

We are put on this world to make a difference to make a change. I am just happy that I could assist in doing such things.

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Fun fact-The longest cells in the human body are the motor neurons.

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