chapter 10

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                                                                         SHORT CHAPTER

Some people are clueless when it comes to their own spiritual life. They just accept the fact that things are just happening the way that they are with no cause or even reaching to the lengths of not even asking why or how do I fix this. Things are changing time is continuing waiting for no one in its path, we all have the same twenty-four hours as billionaires do so why can't we manage our time better.

Reading and doing things more productive that will benefit us and our future ten years from now is a start. YOU know your body, you know your thoughts, your ways, and also the areas you need to improve in. Understanding yourself emotionally and physically is a priority that I feel everyone must master, if you do not know the answer on how to even start or if you are confused pray, ask for guidance we all do at some point.

A lot of people may not even be spiritual beings and if that may be the case look at it this way. A man is what he thinks also for women. The reason for me using this particular quote as an example is because the energy that you place out into the universe will manifest as stated before.

That can come with you constantly thinking of something good or bad, feeling something strongly that energy is then placed out unto the universe giving you the energy that you put out. That my friend is another way of being spiritual. You believed in what you were feeling so it became true, you kept faith in the things that you wanted to accomplish and it became true. All of these tie into your SEVEN CHAKRAS.

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