Chapter 21 🤔

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When your stuck in a mental coma(meaning you are in deep slumber) you become lost and not as focused as you once were, You also tend to stop having faith.  Both focused and faith have similarities, they both start with an F and when you don't have faith your not focused or as committed to your plan as you once were it is all a big family tree.
Semantics really -meaning the same thing dedication. Staying dedicated to yourself having faith in yourself to get whatever it is that you need to get completed accomplished.

we can not solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

If your truly trying to excel in life you have to start with yourself. Your bad habits, the excuses as of why you didn't get what you were supposed to get done, Done. Who you let come around your Ora , what you accept, what you SETTLE FOR. 🚫NEVER DUMB DOWN your vision, qualifications or characteristics as a person to meet other people's needs or persona. Instead give them the option to elevate with you if they can't or don't have the mindset for it surround yourself with people who's already there. It is really true with who you share your energy with if it's not pure it could slow you down. Start today let go of the people that's slowing you down rather it's family or friends be true to YOURSELF. Speak life into what ever it is your trying to manifest and pray over what's ever trying to defeat you. Stay consistent with your dreams! Life's all about elevating learning from your mistakes and growing as a person everybody's not going to be able to take that next journey that god has mapped out for you and only YOU with you. It gets hard but the blessing is much greater if you stay GROUNDED. Everything is a learning experience so learn, overcome and let GO. No need to carry extra baggage when you have a whole flight to attend. Be humble with good spirits and in due time everything will speak for itself.

When your not focus you lose sight of what matters the bigger picture and as of lately I've been getting distracted, not really focused on what matters. I've been getting sign after sign from God himself telling me to make sure my goals are met. Coming across irrelevant, irresponsible people who think that they have a say so in my life or how I control certain situations. People are going to always try and figure you out or down play you to try to get you to think and move like them. Especially if you have a good spirit and try to see the good in every situation. It is not your job to explain or to prove to anyone who you are. You know who you are as well as the person that matters, Everything will show in due time as stated before.

A rock never breaks it may get a little rusty or a little worn out maybe even ran over a few times but in the end, it never breaks. See yourself as that rock, your battling with everyday life problems, trying to stay sane so that you can make it through the next day.  You are going to have those people who think that they can run over on you and you have some who actually go through with doing it. Should that stop you from picking yourself up and moving forward NO that should just be a lesson on how you deal with that person in the future if you are going to at all.

There are going to be times when you feel like your so worn out or so defeated to where you don't want to move forward and when you feel like that always think of yourself as that rock. There's nothing a rock can't handle your a strong, solid, grounded mineral that's apart of this earth. You are capable of anything you just have to tune in with your inner self and the universe will follow. Life is like a huge chess game in a way and if you play your chess pieces right you just might hit checkmate meaning your success.

We all know chess can be very challenging so can life but if you are a determined individual you will make sure that the game is finished until the end. As you would with your life seeking to strengthen your weakest points so that you can excel and win the game being successful.
Everything is a mind game really and once you understand that fully the in and out's of life itself your going to be unstoppable.


The word "Checkmate" in Chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat," which means"the King is dead."

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