chapter 14

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TODAY has turned for a drastic change my oldest brother said he hated me today and I don't know why but part of me felt like he meant it. I and he just argued over something silly I can admit only from his expense, he didn't want his child to be on the TikTok we were about to make a FAMILY oriented video. I wanted all of the kids including the adults to participate. of course, my brother did not do so he then told me to not put his son on social media why?  I'm not for sure it was something harmless as hell to the fact.

I just assumed since he has a criminal background that may be why or him just going through another episode. That should not interfere with my nephew's view of social media considering it was a HARMLESS ACT and it was more so the principle behind it on how he went about saying it. That is his son so I had no choice other than to respect his wishes by not putting him in the video. I just feel like my nephew will be the one who will get the bigger impact from the situation. The reason I say that is because we all know how social media can be very negative and manipulative especially for a child that I do understand. The paranoia of thinking someone is after you and stopping your child from doing childlike things is another.

Ever since he's been here it has been countless times where he couldn't participate and family-oriented activities by choice. I feel as though therapy will have a huge impact on my brother's overall view of life. I also feel like he's trapped in his own thoughts and it is causing him to act crazy into thinking that the people that care about him the most are against him as stated before.

People will birth a child into an emotionally dysfunctional poverty-stricken lifestyle with zero emotional support in the household or so you may call it tough love. Thinking that that will be the cure to their misery or dysfunctional life. Telling your grown children YOU owe ME because I did YOU a favor by allowing you to join my struggle. We as black people need to HEAL in the areas that we lack so that when we bring our next generation into this world that door can be open for them to be able to add to our success and to also be free-spirited and not confined in a dysfunctional generational mentality.

(Sorry for this chapter being EXTREMELY SHORT I've been pretty busy. I will try to give you guys a double upload tomorrow if not a long chapter. Lol 😊)

Although hydrocarbons are not prevalent in most living organisms, many of a cell's organic molecules have regions consisting of only carbon and hydrogen. 🤔👂🏾

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